The question that is explored in LAW 199 is whether civil rights movements can learn from each other, and how we can become more tolerant of differences. We too often find tolerance in short supply at the intersection of faith and other important societal values, like non-discrimination and child welfare. For example, some people reflexively believe that any response to LGBT discrimination is a losing proposition for people of faith. In this winner-takes-all mentality, the rights of some are pitted against the rights of others. What gets lost: mutual respect, justice, and how all people need to be able to live with dignity.
The Law and Dialogue Ambassadors’ job is to be catalytic, supporting the work of the Dialogues. You will help bring together students and thought leaders to find more constructive approaches to living together in a pluralistic society. Students will work with a team of students and Professor Wilson, to elevate the voices of Generation Z and Millennials — tomorrow’s leaders — who have come of age in an era of increasing diversity and a spirit of openness and inclusivity. Specifically, they will learn how to develop strategies for recruitment and networking, for working with the media, and for building programs. The students will also build communication skills by coordinating with others, and learning how to create compelling blog posts, social media, and other electronic content. Law and Dialogue Ambassadors will work three to five hours each week on the project and earn one academic credit for completing the internship course.
Please contact the instructor of the course, Professor Robin Fretwell Wilson, at for further questions Please cc Roxana Madani ( in any emails sent to Professor Wilson regarding TMD.
For any questions about the College of Law’s undergraduate program in law, students can reach out to Jennifer Pahre, the Director of Undergraduate Studies, at
Students can read about award winning program here: