ABE 199 CHP: Water in the Global Environment, Prasanta Kalita
55376 | 4:00 – 5:20 p.m. | TR | 204 Agriculture & Engineering Science Building | 3 Hours
“Water in the Global Environment” proposes to enhance students’ understanding and appreciation of the impact water has globally, including various cultures around the world. Students will be encouraged to step outside their traditional thinking and become knowledgeable about how water availability and quality affect the day to day lives of people. Without water, or suitable water, cultural infrastructure is destined to fail. Water is arguably the most precious resource in the world, and the fact that it is non-renewable provides additional value that students will become well versed in. Water quality and its impact on global environment will be explicitly covered. Students develop in-depth analyses of case studies, which will examine the historical and current water-related issues and the solutions utilized to tackle the issues in various parts of the world (i.e., Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, South America, USA). This course’s goal is to not only educate students on one of the most important and critical areas of concern in the world today, but to motivate them to use enhanced knowledge to make an impact both locally and globally.
***This course has been petitioned for general education credits. It has been approved by ACES, AHS, BUS, EDU, ENG, FAA, LAS, and Media for Physical Sciences and Non-Western.
**Section is now full; please contact CHP staff to be added to a waitlist.**
Instructor: Prasanta Kalita is a Professor and division leader of the Soil and Water Resources Engineering Program in Agricultural and Biological Engineering and an Assistant Dean of Research in the College of ACES. His research focuses on hydrology, watershed quality, modeling erosion and sediment control, and he was recently honored at the 2013 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) International Meeting as an ASABE Fellow.
ARCH 199 A1: Architecture + Innovation, Kevin Erickson
66914 | 11:00 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. | MW | 102 A Architecture | 3 Hours
We are surrounded by design everyday – both good and bad – this course will delve into the world of architecture and design looking at how we shape the built environment and how it shapes us. Through a series of lectures, readings, workshops, fieldtrips, and design exercises students will investigate everything from small-scale, commonplace objects to buildings to the design and planning of large cities. During the semester, topics such as: design and innovation, what makes good design, and the history of our built environment, will challenge students to think about the world around us through a new creative lens.
***This course has not been petitioned for general education credit.***
The goal of this course is to give students a basic understanding of our physical world, its materiality, and how things are made but more importantly provide them with knowledge, tool sets, and critically thinking necessary to design and create for our future. The process of design and making is quite rewarding and students will be asked to engage in this through two design exercises during the semester. This process will involve articulating a clear concept, developing that concept through sketches, drawings, models, prototypes, and other visual representations. Technologies such as computer modeling, laser cutting, 3D printing, and robotics will used to help realize student projects.
Instructor: Kevin Erickson is an architect and founding principal of KNE studio, based in New York City, and an Associate Professor at the University of Illinois, where he is Chair of the Detail + Fabrication Program Area within the School of Architecture. The work of KNE studio is fixated on simple and forward thinking design ideas that create new value on multiple scales. In 2013, KNE studio was invited by actress Bette Midler’s NYRP Foundation to design a boathouse and outdoor classroom in upper Manhattan. In 2012, they won the Warming Huts Design Competition to build a winter pavilion alongside Frank Gehry, and previously received an honorable mention in the Tokyo Fashion Museum on Omotesando Competition, and were a finalist in the urbanSHED International Design Competition. The studio has received an AIANY Design Award, an ACSA Faculty Design Award, and the Next Landmark Award at the 2012 Architecture Biennale in Venice. Recently, Kevin co-curated 5×5: Participatory Provocations, a traveling exhibition featuring work by 25 young American architects and was invited to serve on the Van Alen Institute’s Program Leadership Council.
ART 199 GD: Painting and Collage Creations Glen Davies
40483 | 12:00 – 1:50 p.m. | TR | 330 Art & Design Building | 3 Hours
This course is open to all, and requires no prerequisites. In this course we will learn how to create our own visual language as we explore color, composition, and content. Through the completion of four or five projects we will investigate and explore the uses of paint and traditional art materials along with techniques that include collaged elements
Each of the studio assignments will address issues that broaden our knowledge of painting and the materials and techniques that are used to achieve this goal. Through the observation and examination of the world we live in, and the experimental use of paint and other materials in our assigned projects, we will educate our eyes and learn to make visual associations that yield content and encourage further investigation.
***This course has been petitioned for general education credits. It has been approved by AHS, BUS, EDU, and ENG for general education credit in Literature and the Arts.***
**Additional fee is required for this course.**
Instructor: Glen Davies attended the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, where he was influenced by the homegrown pop genre imagism. This helped set the stage for his recurring art themes: spiritual conflict, grotesque figural fantasies and complex psycho-dramas. After spending time traveling with circuses and carnivals, Davies worked as a billboard artist and sign painter before opening a mural painting business. After completing a BFA at Drake University and an MFA in painting from the University of Illinois, Davies has divided his time between studio pursuits and a variety of alternative employments, including circus/carnival showpainter, sideshow banner artist, professional muralist, curator, and educator. Visiting artist and lecture duties have taken Davies to numerous colleges, universities and museums.
ARTD 209 KG1: Rigidity and Flexibility in Japanese Arts/Culture, Jennifer Gunji-Ballsrud
54029 | 1:00 – 3:40 p.m. | W | Japan House | 3 Hours
The types of arts introduced in this class are Chado: the Way of Tea, Kado: the Way of Flower, Shodo: the Way of Calligraphy, The Sodo: the Way of Kimono, Kado: the Way of Poetry, and Jindo: the Way of Human beings. As I have listed, many of the Japanese traditional arts have do, as their suffix. Do is translated as Tao in Chinese. In Japanese, it is translated into the path and connotes that it is an infinite, unlimited path, yet it is the constant goal of spiritual yearning and striving. Thus, it should be noted that traditional Japanese arts place the emphasis on spiritual attainment more so than technical attainment, and require actual practice or direct experience to gain insight. Therefore, in this class, students are not only required to read textbooks and other materials, but also have hands-on experiences with various time-honored Japanese arts. My hope is that students will learn the importance of rigid discipline and basic principles; and, thus, eventually, they will be able to apply those principles to their own specialized fields and life. There is a $50.00 materials fee for this course.
***Campus has granted every section of this course with general education for Non-Western.***
***Additional fee is required for this course.***
**Section is now full; please contact CHP staff to be added to a waitlist.**
Instructor: Jennifer Gunji-Ballsrud is an Associate Professor and the former program Chair of Graphic Design Program of the School of Art and Design. She participated in the graphic design program for 13 years. She was an art director and one of the originators of Ninth Letter Literary and Arts Journal and website which has been graced with design awards from the AIGA, SPD, UCDA, TDC and from the Red Dot International Design. Her design work has been published in Print magazine, How, Step Inside Design, 365: AIGA Design Annual, Creative Quarterly and many others. She has been studying the Urasenke Way of Tea since 1990 under various teachers. She has earned the Wakindate level as an intermediate student in the Urasenke Foundation. She has been teaching university courses for Japan House for the past 7 years. For the last 5 years, she has been the full-time Director of Japan House. On March 31, 2004, she received the Commendation in Commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of the United States-Japan Relationship from Foreign Minister of Japan, Jyunko Kawaguchi. On June 3, 2004, she also received a Certificate of Thanks from Sen’ei Ikenobo, 45 th Generation Headmaster of the Ikenobo Ikebana School. Both awards recognized her contribution to promote and strengthen the ties of friendship and goodwill between the U.S. and Japan. She also received the University of Illinois Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, 2003; The Broadrick-Allen Award for Excellence in Honors Teaching, 2003, an award presented annually by the Campus Honors Program; and The Senior 100 Faculty Award, presented by the University of Illinois Alumni Association.
ART 199 GDC: Experimental Materials in Painting, Glen Davies
31410 | 9:30 – 11:20 a.m. | TR | 330 Art and Design Building | 3 Hours
In this course, we will explore the use of materials, both traditional and unconventional, as a way of increasing the scope of our visual language. Just as the manipulation of paint and the exploration of its many properties helps to reveal something about ourselves and the world, combined materials, found objects and collaged sculptural forms provide another essential arena to examine. The choices we make in combining materials forces us to examine the many aspects of content and metaphor. These key concepts will be our focus here.
***This course has been petitioned for general education credit. It has been approved by ACES, AHS, BUS, EDU, ENG, FAA, LAS, and Media at this time for Literature and Arts.***
***Additional fee is required for this course.***
Instructor: Glen Davies attended the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, where he was influenced by the homegrown pop genre imagism. This helped set the stage for his recurring art themes: spiritual conflict, grotesque figural fantasies and complex psycho-dramas. After spending time traveling with circuses and carnivals, Davies worked as a billboard artist and sign painter before opening a mural painting business. After completing a BFA at Drake University and an MFA in painting from the University of Illinois, Davies has divided his time between studio pursuits and a variety of alternative employments, including circus/carnival showpainter, sideshow banner artist, professional muralist, curator, and educator. Visiting artist and lecture duties have taken Davies to numerous colleges, universities and museums.
CMN 220 CHP: Communicating Public Policy, Grace Giorgio
54930 | 2:00 – 3:20 p.m. | TR | 1051 Lincoln Hall | 3 Hours
Place-making is a complex and contested practice with ramifications for our social, cultural, political, and economic experiences. Drawing from the social science disciplines of history, geography, and communication, CMN 220: Communicating Public Policy: Our Cities/Ourselves introduces students to how public policy, the decisions we make and how we communicate them, affects the places in which we live. Grounded in the theories and practice of argumentation, persuasive writing, and debate, the course examines rural, urban, suburban communities as well as college towns, and how public policy local, regional, and federal has contributed to the making of such communities. The course asks students to reflect on where they live, have lived, and hope to live, while considering how their own expertise and interests can be brought to the public policy table of community development and enhancement. Thus, CMN 220 takes students out of familiar territory into new places, places they may not have considered as important or relevant to their lives, but as they will learn, are connected to their fields of study as well as to who they are and who they want to become. CMN 220 culminates in a public project of small group problem solving. Students will join together to tackle a problem facing a real community and write a public policy proposal and present it to the public via a podcast or other multimedia format of their choice. In this sense, the work done in this class extends beyond the classroom and into the public realm.
***This course satisfies the advanced comp gen ed from campus. In addition, it has been approved for additional gen ed credit for Social Sciences by ACES, AHS, BUS, EDU, ENG, FAA, LAS, and Media.***
**Section is now full; please contact CHP staff to be added to a waitlist.**
Instructor: Dr. Giorgio has been teaching in the Department of Communication since she arrived on campus as a graduate student in 1995. In 2001, she began teaching fulltime for the University, developing and teaching courses in gender communication, public policy and sustainability, and the geography of culture. Dr. Giorgio began teaching for Campus Honors in the fall of 2012, launching a course on place making, Communicating Public Policy: Our Cities/Ourselves (CMN 220). In 2013, Dr. Giorgio received the Chancellor s Undergraduate Teaching Award. In the fall of 2015, she received two Provost Office grants to develop and launch Writing Fundamentals, an online, interactive grammar program for Illinois writing courses. Her research interests include an experimental use of qualitative research methods to investigate the intersection of self, culture, and the public sphere. Dr. Giorgio also directs Oral and Written Communication (CMN 111/112) and manages her department’s teaching internship. She serves on undergraduate distinction projects, oversees independent studies and internships. Her film production background has helped her guide students with making public projects such as videos, podcasts, and performance installations.
CWL 395 NB2: Memory: Between Psychoanalysis & Neuroscience, What Literature & Film Can Teach Us, Nancy Blake
64894 | 11:00 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. | MW | 212 Honors | 3 Hours
Amnesia is “film noir’s version of the common cold” (Lee Server, in Ava Gardner: “Love is Nothing”. (2006)
A return to Freud’s disagreement with Jung, in particular his plea for a material based science as opposed to occultism, should convince us that there is a continuum, rather than a change of direction, between psychoanalysis and neuroscience. Since Freud insisted that psyche and soma are isomorphic, it follows that information processing can be studied fruitfully from both the perspective of psychoanalysis and of neuroscience. Neuroscience demonstrates that because of brain plasticity, anything learned brings about an anatomical change in the brain. Finally the recent work on “mirror neurons”sets up a means of documenting the relationship between first-hand experience and spectatorship. The automated decision-making processes in the brain which are not yet fully understood, constitute what Freud and Lacan call the unconscious. In 1987, Stern conjectured that what has been called the Oedipal complex depends on the ability to construct a narrative, i.e. to integrate affect with words and images.
If, as has often been noted, literature and film has, from their beginnings been fascinated by the themes of memory and amnesia, dream and reality, the capacity to conceptualize the future based on the experience of the past, then film seems an ideal medium to explore some of the questions raised by the sciences of the mind today.
***This course has been petitioned for general education credit. It has been approved by ACES, AHS, BUS, EDU, ENG, FAA, LAS, and Media for Literature and the Arts and Western.***
Instructor: Nancy Blake is a Professor of Comparative and World Literature, Cinema and Media Studies, Women and Gender Studies and an affiliate of the Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory and the Campus Honors Program. She is also a trained psychoanalyst who taught in France before joining the University of Illinois. She has regularly been recognized on the ICES list for courses taught for the Honors Program and for her undergraduate and graduate courses.
ECON 102 CHP: Microeconomic Principles, Martin Perry
63021 | 11:00 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. | MW | 106 David Kinley Hall | 3 Hours
This course focuses on the fundamental concepts and analysis of microeconomics, including supply and demand, the price mechanism, costs and revenues, theories of the firm, market structures, factor and resource markets, market failure and the impact of government in promoting economic efficiency. The course examines economic decision-making by individuals and firms and encourages students to apply microeconomic tools to current economic policy problems and issues such as pollution, rent controls, farm subsidies and welfare policies.
Upon completion of the course, a student will: 1) Have a strong foundation in the theory and concepts of microeconomics 2) Make connections between real world and academic economics 3) Understand the relationship between conceptual and pragmatic applications of economics to the economic behavior of the “representative” individual, product, firm, market, price, etc. 4) Learn how to apply the tools of micro theory to policy problems and issues such as global warming, pollution, health care, and government subsidies.
***Campus has granted every section of this course with general education Social Science credits.***
**You will not receive additional CHP credit for ECON 102 (or ECON 103), if you have had another ECON 102 section (or same for ECON 103).**
**Section is now full; please contact CHP staff to be added to a waitlist.**
Instructor: : Martin Perry is Department Head and Professor of Economics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Perry specializes in the antitrust analysis of mergers and vertical restraints. Before joining the University of Illinois in 2011, Dr. Perry served as Professor of Economics at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey since 1989. In addition, Dr. Perry held positions in research groups at Bell Telephone Laboratories and Bell Communications Research; has visited the Wharton School of Management at the University of Pennsylvania; and is a Research Affiliate at the Institute of Economic Analysis in Barcelona, Spain. During 2004, Dr. Perry served as the Chief Economist of the Federal Communications Commission. In that position, he worked on the investigation of the merger between Cingular Wireless and AWE Wireless. Dr. Perry has published in the areas of vertical integration, resale price maintenance, exclusive dealing, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and mergers. His current research projects include vertical foreclosure, aftermarket pricing, and applications of auction models to industrial organization. Dr. Perry has consulted for federal and state agencies on mergers in various industrial product markets and the casino gaming market in Atlantic City. Dr. Perry has also consulted on private antitrust cases involving aftermarket pricing, exclusive dealing, price discrimination, and casino gaming.
FAA 110 D: Exploring Arts and Creativity, J.W. Morrissette & Brad Mehrtens
66964 | 10:30-11:50 a.m. plus outside course events | R | 323 Education | 3 Hours
High and street art, tradition and experimentation, the familiar and unfamiliar, international and American creativity provide this course’s foundation. Students will attend performances and exhibitions, interact with artists, and examine core issues associated with the creative process in our increasingly complex global society. Faculty from the arts, sciences, humanities, and other domains will lead students through visual arts, music, dance, and theatre experiences at Krannert Center and Krannert Art Museum to spark investigation and dialogue.
The class meets twice per week: once a week for discussions, and a second time to attend performances and/or exhibitions at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts and/or Krannert Art Museum. Event dates will vary. Admission to all events will be provided without charge to students enrolled in the course.
***This course satisfies the General Education Criteria in Fall 2017 for a Literature and the Arts course.***
**Section is now full; please contact CHP staff to be added to a waitlist.**
Instructor: Brad Mehrtens – Instructor and Advisor, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology
Brad earned his bachelor’s in biology from Truman State University, and his master’s in microbiology from Illinois. His research interests include educational pedagogy; course design; and assessment; his advising interests include transitions for freshmen and transfer students; preparing for professional or graduate programs; understanding the undergraduate research experience; acknowledging and addressing academic or personal issues. As for hobbies, Brad enjoys acting, theatre, movies, music, and sports.
Instructor: J.W. Morrissette – Assistant Head, Department of Theatre
J.W. has served in the Department of Theatre for 21 years. He has also served as the chair of the BFA Theatre Studies Program as well as the assistant program coordinator for Inner Voices Social Issues Theatre. He earned his BFA in Acting at Otterbein College in Westerville, Ohio, and both his MFA in Acting and MA in Theatre History at the University of Illinois. J.W. has taught and directed for the past 17 years with the summer Theatre Department at Interlochen Center for the Arts, has directed and taught at Parkland College, and teaches acting, directing, and Introduction to Theatre Arts at Illinois. He has been integral in developing components for the online course offerings in the department, as well as supervising all senior Theatre Studies Thesis Projects.
HIST 295 A: Darwin & the Darwinian Revolution, Mark Micale
43871 | 12:30 – 1:50 p.m. | MW | 212 Honors | 3 Hours
It is universally acknowledged today that the ideas of Charles Darwin initiated one of the most profound and provocative transformations in all of human thought, science, and culture. This is an Honors seminar about the intellectual origins, scientific content, and social, cultural, and religious impacts of Darwinian evolutionary theory in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Our core subject will be Darwin’s life, work, and world. The course also provides a historical case study in the development and diffusion of radical scientific ideas and explores the origins of the most successful and comprehensive theory in the contemporary life sciences. We will study Darwin and several other scientists of the Victorian age, followed by an examination of their influence on such diverse cultural fields as politics, philosophy, social theory, literature, gender relations, and international affairs, as well as religion.
***This course has been petitioned for general education credit. It has been approved by ACES, AHS, BUS, EDU, ENG, FAA, LAS, and Media for Historical and Philosophical Perspectives.***
**Section is now full; please contact CHP staff to be added to a waitlist.**
Instructor: Mark S. Micale is Professor in the Department of History, where he specializes in modern European history, cultural and intellectual history, and the history of science and medicine. After completing graduate school at Yale in 1987, he taught at the University of Manchester in Britain and then joined the U of I community in 2000. He is the author of several books dealing with the history of medicine, especially psychiatry and psychoanalysis, and modern France. Micale has won a number of departmental and campus-wide teaching prizes, and in 2012-23 served as the U of I Distinguished Teacher-Scholar. He has taught three times before in the Campus Honors Program.
HUM 395 A: Biology and Society: From Organism to Politics, Samantha Frost/Judith Rosine Kelz
67677 | 11:00 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. | TR | 212 Honors | 3 Hours
This course will draw on the fields of history, science and technology studies, political theory, philosophy, biology, sociology and environmental studies to introduce students to the emerging field of bio-humanities. Its aims are twofold: to come to term with the ways that science and society shape one another and to teach students how dialogue between diverse academic fields can help us to create a broader understanding of the socio-political and ethical challenges we face today.
***This course has been petitioned for general education credit. It has been approved by ACES, AHS, BUS, EDU, FAA, LAS, and Media for Historical and Philosophical Perspectives and Social Sciences. ENG has approved this for ONLY Social Sciences credit.This interdisciplinary course will fulfill 3 credit hours towards General Education requirements in Humanities & Arts (Historical and Philosophical Perspectives) and in Social and Behavioral Science (Social Science). The course satisfies the General Education Historical and Philosophical Perspectives requirement in that it presents the historical continuities and discontinuities in the way that scientific findings have shaped political life and the way that the demands of politics have shaped scientific research; it facilitates an appreciation of how contemporary scientific questions and critical engagements with science have emerged from the past; it fosters cross-disciplinary dialogue as a counterweight to the narrowness of disciplinary expertise; it stimulates questions concerning the nature of the human; it engages questions of ethics and principles in scientific practice and in the instrumentalization of scientific findings in social and political life; and it fosters critical thinking and refined judgment with regard to the interaction between science and society.***
In addition, the course satisfies the General Education Social Science requirement in that it traces the interactions and the effects of interactions between scientists, research institutions and practices, philosophers, political activists, and political and legal institutions; it provides historical, social, and political-economic context for scientific research; it deploys specific instances as well as historical patterns to explore how scientific research findings and biotechnological innovations provoke and are bound up with transformations in philosophical, ethical, and political understandings of social and political life; and it provides examples and opportunities to undertake interdisciplinary research in this field.
Through this course, students will also learn different modes of critical and interpretive analysis, historical contextualization, network analysis, discourse analysis, and develop a working familiarity with research fundamentals in molecular and cellular biology.Instructor: Dr. Rosine Kelz has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in a variety of academic settings and consistently received excellent teaching evaluations. Most recently, she taught Social Theory in the M.A. program ‘Critical Theory and the Arts’ at the School of Visual Arts, New York, and undergraduate courses in political and social theory at the University of Hamburg and Humboldt University, Germany. She is accredited as an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy by the Developing Learning and Teaching Program of the University of Oxford.
KIN 340 SP1: Sociology & Psychology of Physical Activity, Steve Petruzzello
64961 | 1:00 – 2:20 p.m. | TR | 130 Freer | 3 Hours
Social and Psychological Aspects of Physical Activity is designed to acquaint you with how psychological and social processes and constraints influence human action in physical activity environments. The course will utilize both lecture and laboratory/discussion formats, with ample opportunity for interaction and discussion between professor and students and among yourselves. There may be occasional guest lectures. You, as the student, should feel free (and are strongly encouraged) to ask questions, take alternate viewpoints, present supportive arguments for statements, and generally make yourself a presence in the class. This cannot be emphasized enough. Keeping your insights and ideas to yourself will deprive us all of potentially illuminating, interesting, and useful information.
I believe in the following statement by Socrates: “I cannot teach anybody anything; I can only make them think.” From you I expect: (a) commitment to excellence, that is, I don t want you to overlook other important aspects of your life, but I do expect you to do work, spend the time, and do the reading and writing (and thus, thinking) necessary to be successful in this course; (b) self-motivation; and (c) initiative and critical thought. If you leave my classroom and have acquired a stronger ability to think, I will have done my job.
***This course satisfies the advanced comp gen ed from campus.***
Instructor: Steven Petruzzello is an Associate Professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Community Health. He received his Ph.D. in Exercise Science, Psychology of Exercise and Sport from Arizona State University in 1991. He began his career at UIUC in 1991 and has served as the Associate Head for Graduate Studies, Department of Kinesiology & Community Health since 2011. He has also been a Research Scientist for the Illinois Fire Service Institute since 2005. Professor Petruzzello’s research focuses on determining the mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of exercise in improving affect/emotion. The second line of research examines the physiological and psychological aspects of firefighting. Professor Petruzzello has been awarded the College of Applied Health Sciences Undergraduate Teaching Faculty Award, the Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, and has consistently been named to the List of Teachers Ranked As Excellent By Their Students.
LING 240 B: Language in Human History, Hans Heinrich Hock
40360 | 12:30 – 1:50 p.m. | TR | 212 Honors | 3 Hours
Whose past is it? The uses and misuses of linguistics, prehistory, genetics/genomics, and archaeology in national and group self-definition and in the exclusion of others. We will focus especially on the Aryan issue in four contexts: Nazi ideology and the “Aryan Myth”, neo-fascist movements in Russia, current ideological movements in South Asia, and ideological interpretations of the Tarim Mummies of Xinjiang. In the course of evaluating these issues, we will discuss the question of scientific methodology and the responsibility of historians, linguists, geneticists, and archaeologists to address misuses or deliberate misinterpretations of their results by nationalist and racist ideological movements.
***This course satisfies the Hist & Philosoph Perspect gen ed from campus.***
**Section is now full; please contact CHP staff to be added to a waitlist.**
Instructor: Instructor: Hans Henrich Hock is Professor Emeritus of Linguistics and Sanskrit, University of Illinois. He has taught and done work in Indo-European comparative and historical linguistics with major focus on Sanskrit, as well as on language and ideology. Major publications include Principles in historical linguistics (1986, 21991), Language history, language change, and language relationship (co-author with Brian D. Joseph, 1996, 2nd ed. 2009, 3rd e. In Preparation), Studies in Sanskrit syntax (ed., 1991), An early Upanishadic reader (2007), The languages and linguistics of South Asia (ed. with Elena Bashir, 2016). Honors include recognition as Vidyasagara by Mandakini, 10th World Sanskrit Conference, Bangalore (1997), election as Fellow of the Linguistic Society of America (Class of 2013), and the Sukumar Sen Memorial Gold Medal for work in historical and comparative linguistics (Asiatic Society, Kolkata, India, 2015).
MATH 199 A: Probability and the Real World, A.J. Hildebrand
47745 | 4:00 – 5:20 p.m. | TR | 243 Altgeld | 3 Hours
Among all mathematical fields, probability and statistics are perhaps the most relevant in the real world and the most frequently encountered in daily life, but also the most common source of misconceptions and fallacies by the general public. In this course we will explore this subject using real-world examples taken from sports, society and everyday life, and selected to match the interests and background of the audience. Past editions of the course have touched on topics ranging from predictions and rankings in sports to the physics of coin tosses, the psychology of probability, fraud detection using probability; freakonomics type questions, as well as classic puzzles and paradoxes in probability that are both fun and educational.
This course has no formal prerequisites and can accommodate a broad range of backgrounds; in particular, no prior knowledge of probability or statistics is assumed. The course has very little overlap with traditional courses in probability or statistics and can serve to complement such courses. Grading will be based on participation, assignments, individual and group projects, and student presentations.
*** This class was petitioned for Gen Ed credit. It has been approved by ACES, AHS, BUS, EDU, ENG, FAA, LAS, and Media for Quantitative Reasoning I.***
**Section is now full; please contact CHP staff to be added to a waitlist.**
Instructor: A.J. Hildebrand is Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at the University of Illinois. His research interests are in the areas of number theory, probability, combinatorics, and analysis. In his more than three decades at Illinois, Dr. Hildebrand has taught at all levels on subjects ranging from calculus to probability, actuarial statistics, number theory, and mathematical writing. In 2011 he received the Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. Outside the classroom, he is involved in running the math contest program at Illinois, mentoring students in undergraduate research, and directing a summer undergraduate research program in mathematics.
MATH 199 SFH: Spaceflight, Julian Palmore
66716 | 9:30 – 10:50 a.m. | TR | 212 Honors | 3 Hours
The course will explore the current state of human spaceflight, starting from the early days of Tsiolkovsky and Goddard to the later years of the American Rocket Society and the German VFR prior to World War II to the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs during the 1960s and 1970s and the Space Shuttle – International Space Station developments since 1980. We will study the mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry and physiology of human spaceflight.
***This course has not been petitioned for general education credit this term.***
Instructor: Julian Palmore is Professor of Mathematics at Illinois and teaches courses in differential equations and probability. He studied physics at Cornell University and after graduating and commissioning he was assigned to the director’s office of Wernher von Braun at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. His first published paper was “Lunar Impact Probe” in the American Rocket Society Journal in 1961. At NASA, he worked with Ernst Stuhlinger on systems analysis of ion rockets and participated in the Apollo program and later as a test engineer on the first stage the Saturn V launch vehicle. He left NASA in 1964 to attend graduate school at Princeton University in aeronautical engineering. He studied astronomy at Yale University, specializing in celestial mechanics, and returned to Princeton as a visiting fellow. He studied mathematics at the University of California Berkeley. In his career he has solved problems of rocket flight, celestial mechanics, and spaceflight.
REL 291 A/AAS 291 A: Hinduism in the U.S., Raj Pandharipande
68283 / 68316 | 2:00 p.m. – 3:20 p.m. | TR | G36 FLB | 3 Hours
The course is designed to introduce students to the historical, religious, and socio-cultural dimensions of Hinduism in the United States. In particular, we will examine the following questions: a) why Hinduism was brought to the US (motivations behind the migration of Hinduism to the US), b) how and why the religion has changed in the US (transformation of Hinduism in the US), c) what role(s) Hinduism plays in the “new homeland” (for the Hindu and non-Hindu population in the US), d) what strategies are adopted for the maintenance and transmission of Hinduism in the context of the socio-cultural milieu of the US, e) how Hinduism has impacted the majority culture in the US and India, and f) how the changes in the system are authenticated (the question of Authority and the mechanism of authentication of Hinduism) in the US. Embedded in the above themes will be discussions on the issues related to the family, Hindu and/or Indian identity, intergenerational tensions, the relationship of Hinduism with other religions in the US, and the global issues of religious diversity and interethnic dialogues. The course material will include selected texts, films, and videos. Students will be required to participate in group projects, and field trips. Suggested pre-requisites: Asian mythology (Religious studies 104), Introduction to Hinduism (Religious Studies 286) or equivalent. Familiarity of subject matter is preferred but not required; contact the instructor if there are any questions.
***This course has been petitioned for general education credits. It has been approved by ACES, AHS, BUS, EDU, ENG, FAA, LAS, and Media at this time for Historical and Philosophical Perspectives and Non-Western.***
Instructor: Rajeshwari V. Pandharipande is Professor of Linguistics, Religious Studies, Sanskrit and Comparative Literature, Campus Honors Program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Professor Pandharipande holds two Ph.D. degrees–one in Sanskrit Literature, and the other in Linguistics. The primary focus of her research and teaching has been South Asian languages, Asian Mythology, Sociolinguistics, Sociolinguistic Methodology, Language of Religion, and Hinduism in India and in Diaspora. The three major languages of her research and teaching are Hindi, Marathi, and Sanskrit. She has coordinated the Hindi Program at UIUC (from 1986-2002) and taught Hindi and Hindi Literature at UUC and University of Chicago. She has published a textbook, Intermediate Hindi, Volumes I and II. (Co-authored with Y. Kachru) 1982, 1988. Motilal Banarsidass Publications, and her new text manuscript, Advanced Hindi (co-authored with Rajesh Kumar and Mithilesh Mishra) which is funded by the ACDS is in its final stages of completion. Professor Pandharipande has published a book of Hindi poetry, Never is a Long Time aur anya Kavitayen (A collection of Hindi poems) 1987. Banhatti Prakashan, Nagpur, India. Professor Pandharipande has published scholarly articles (over 70 in various scholarly journals, books, and encyclopedias and has delivered over 150 talks at the scholarly meetings. She was invited to teach Hindi Literature at the University of Chicago in 1999, and 2001. Additionally, she has published extensively on Marathi: (a) Marathi: A grammar of the Marathi Language. Routledge, London. 1997, (b) Sociolinguistic Dimensions of Marathi: Multilingualiam in Central India, Lincom, Germany, 2003. She has guided research at M.A. and Ph.D. levels in Sociolinguistics, Sanskrit, and Hindi at UIUC. Her research on South Asian languages is embedded in her research on larger cultural/religious context of South Asia. She has published a book, The Eternal Self and the Cycle of Samsara: Introduction to Asian Mythology and Religion. 1990 (4 editions). Ginn Press, Massachusetts and, she is currently preparing the final version of the manuscript, Language of Religion in South Asia: theory and practice (accepted for publication by Macmillan-Palgrave (London). Professor Pandharipande received the title “University Scholar” by the Chancellor for her outstanding research at the University of Illinois, and Harriet and Charles Luckman. All Campus Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award, and William Prokasy Award for the outstanding excellence in undergraduate teaching at the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In 2008, Professor Pandharipande received the tile, “Distinguished University Scholar/Teacher for her outstanding achievement in research and Teaching. Professor Pandharipande’s teaching at the CHP has been highly appreciated by her students.
SOCW 199 A Society and the Non-Profit Sector, Wynne Korr
54085 | 3:00-5:50 p.m. | T | SOCW 2023 | 3 Hours
Do you want to change the world? Perhaps you are passionate about addressing homelessness, sexual violence, or environmental problems. Do you volunteer? Make donations to charities? Want to create new solutions to social problems? Much of this happens in the nonprofit sector, yet most people know little about it. Many important resources that help people in need and that enrich our lives through the arts are provided by nonprofit organizations. The nonprofit sector, also called the non-governmental or voluntary sector, meets needs not met by business or government, has demonstrated social impact, and employs large numbers of people. For example, according to the Urban Institute, in 2013 1.4 million nonprofits were registered with the IRS and contributed $905.9 billion to the US economy or 5.4% of the Gross Domestic Product.
The purpose of this course is to enable students to understand how the nonprofit sector functions and to challenge them to think about this sector critically, understanding ethical principles and values that guide non-profit work, and research evidence about effectiveness and impact. The course may also help inform students’ thinking about career choices and/or volunteer activities.
***This course has not been petitioned for general education credit this term.***
**Section is now full; please contact CHP staff to be added to a waitlist.**
Instructor: Wynne Korr served for 15 years as dean of the School of Social Work. During a long career, she has provided consultation and training to nonprofits on program evaluation and impact. She developed a graduate seminar on Leadership and Social Change with a focus on the nonprofit sector and social entrepreneurship. Her current research examines how to educate students for leadership and management in the nonprofit sector, nonprofit finance, and collaborative innovations. She has had a developmental role in campus initiatives in community engagement, social innovation, entrepreneurship, and design.
CHP Seminar 395 B: America & the War in Iraq: No Man’s Land 2.0, Peter Fritzsche
31625 | 3:30 – 4:50 p.m. | TR | 212 Honors | 3 Hours
Campus Honors Program Seminar course (First year students are restricted from enrolling in CHP seminars)
This course will examine the origins and conduct of one of America’s longest wars, the military engagement in Iraq, from 11 September 2011, to the invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003/04, to the beginnings of the insurgency in 2004, and to the surge in 2006 which preceded withdrawal in the years that followed. It will examine the intellectual and political framework by which the failures of the American occupation can be understood as well as the historical, geopolitical, and religious origins of both the Sunni and Shia insurgencies. A second theme will be the representation of the war: how it was conceptualized in the Bush administration, how it was reported in the media, and how it was communicated by the troops themselves. Finally, the course will zero in on the warriors themselves the small-group relations in the unit, the difficulty of identifying dispersed enemies, the dynamics of abuse and atrocity, the return home and redeployment, and post-traumatic stress syndrome. Small oral presentations to the class and small paper assignments will precede a medium-sized research project due at the end of the semester.
***This course has not been petitioned for general education credit for this term.***
**Section is now full; please contact CHP staff to be added to a waitlist.**
Instructor: Peter Fritzsche has taught History at the University of Illinois for nearly thirty years. He has received Guggenheim, Humboldt, and NEH fellowships, has written seven books in German and European history including Life and Death in the Third Reich, Germans into Nazis, Reading Berlin 1900, Nietzsche and the Death of God, and Stranded in the Present, and, most recently, An Iron Wind: Europe Under Hitler. Fritzsche has served as chair of the Department of History and has been recognized for his excellence in teaching, including regular inclusion on the “Incomplete List of Excellent Teachers.” He taught several courses for CHP in the late 1980s and early 1990s, including an ACDIS-sponsored course with Jeremiah Sullivan on “the United States as a Superpower” and a CHP course on the “Temptations of Fascism.” In more recent years, he has taught honors courses on the Holocaust (fall 2007 and fall 2010) and on World War I (spring 2013, spring 2014, fall 2015) as well as the wars in Iraq (fall 2016). His pedagogy emphasizes the close analysis of key texts through discussion and debate and the creation of defensible interpretations of human behavior through writing and rewriting and an empatheitc understanding of narrative, documentary, and argumentative strategies. His ultimate aim is give students confidence in speaking about the world and ultimately in judging it.
CHP 395 C: Ecological Criticism, James Treat
55838 | 9:30 – 10:50 a.m. | MW | 212 Honors | 3 Hours
Campus Honors Program Seminar course (First year students are restricted from enrolling in CHP seminars)
The scientific, political, and economic policy debates about global environmental crisis have tended to ignore its religious, historical, and literary dimensions. This interdisciplinary seminar in the environmental humanities redresses that omission by focusing attention on the emerging fields of religion and ecology, environmental history, and literary ecocriticism. Assigned readings are drawn from representative texts covering important developments in the relevant disciplines. Research projects allow each participant to supplement our collective effort by exploring an individual interest in greater detail. Students have the opportunity to gain a basic understanding of ecological criticism; to conduct focused research on a related topic, theme, or issue; and to develop critical skills for use in educational, professional, and personal settings.
***This course has not been petitioned for general education credit for this term.***
Instructor: James Treat teaches courses on indigenous religious and ecological traditions and on the place of nature in contemporary criticism. His research focuses on American Indian ways of knowing, especially in the wake of imperial modernity. One of his recent projects is “Mvskoke Country”, an award-winning monthly column on tribal traditions published in the Muscogee Nation News and archived at https://mvskokecountry.wordpress.com. Earlier in his career, Treat studied the native encounter with Christianity in the contemporary period. He is the author of Around the Sacred Fire: Native Religious Activism in the Red Power Era and the editor of three volumes of native literature on related themes. More information is available at https://jamestreat.wordpress.com.
***Courses petitioned for General Education credit by Campus Honors Program will appear on student records around the middle of term. This will not appear at the time of registration.***
+++ Please note that campus policy restricts students from using more than 12 credits of “199” courses towards your credits for graduation. CHP allows the use of all of this type of courses towards our program requirements. You are not restricted from taking as many “199” courses as you would like just beware of this graduation credit limit.+++