Fall 2018 Honors Courses

***Please Note: Chado Way of Tea will not be offered in Fall 2018 as the professor is not available in the fall. She will teach this class in Spring 2019 as well as in Fall 2019.***

ABE 199 CHP: Water in a Global Environment, Prasanta Kalita, Ph.D.

55376  |  4:00 – 5:20 p.m.  |  TR  |  204 AESB  |  3 Hours

“Water in a Global Environment” proposes to enhance students’ understanding and appreciation of the impact water has globally, including various cultures around the world. Students will be encouraged to step outside their traditional thinking and become knowledgeable about how water availability and quality affect the day to day lives of people. Without water, or suitable water, cultural infrastructure is destined to fail. Water is arguably the most precious resource in the world, and the fact that it is non-renewable provides additional value that students will become well-versed in. Water quality and its impact on global environment will be explicitly covered. Students develop in-depth analyses of case studies, which will examine the historical and current water-related issues and the solutions utilized to tackle the issues in various parts of the world (i.e., Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, South America, USA). This course’s goal is to not only educate students on one of the most important and critical areas of concern in the world today, but to motivate them to use enhanced knowledge to make an impact both locally and globally.

***This course has been petitioned for general education credits and has been approved by all colleges for Natural Sciences & Technology: Physical Sciences and Cultural Studies: Non-Western.***

**This class is now full – Please contact Anne Price at aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**

Instructor: Prasanta Kalita is a professor of the soil and water resources engineering program in Agricultural and Biological Engineering, and serves as the Associate Dean for Academic Programs in the College of ACES. His research focuses on water management and water quality, hydrology, erosion and sediment control, and global food security. Professor Kalita is an Elected Fellow of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) and the Indian Society for Agricultural Engineers (ISAE).


AHS 365: Civic Engagement in Wellness, Kim Graber

56130  |  3:30 – 4:50 p.m.  |  TR  | 1002 Huff Hall  |  3 Hours

Are you interested in making a difference in the community while learning about teamwork, project management, and active living? If so, consider this course. Students will work in small teams to develop a project that relates to active living, healthy aging, and wellness through a community organization focused on older adults living in the Champaign-Urbana area. The course will begin with lectures and discussions of the six dimensions of wellness and then introduce students to team-based learning principles, leadership skills, and group dynamics. By the fourth week, students will meet as a group with a representative of a local senior center, social services organization, or long-term retirement community, and develop a project that promotes healthy aging and wellness. The class will occur in-person for most of the first eight weeks of the semester and in the field for the majority of the second eight weeks.

***This course has not been petitioned for General Education credits this term.***

Instructor: Kim C. Graber is Professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Community Health and the Director of the Campus Honors Program at the University of Illinois. She received her undergraduate degree from the University of Iowa, her master’s from Columbia University Teachers College, and her doctorate from the University of Massachusetts. Her research interests include children’s wellness, legislative policy mandates, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. She has published numerous articles in peer-refereed journals and books and has presented her work at dozens of national and international conferences, including an invited keynote address at the Healthy Schools Summit in Washington, DC. Recently, she co-authored a book titled Physical Education Activity for Elementary Classroom Teachers. She has served as president and secretary of the Research Consortium, president of the National Association for Sport and Physical Education, and chair of the Curriculum and Instruction Academy. She serves or has served on the Faculty Senate as Vice-Chair, Senate Executive Committee, University Senates Conference, Chair of Committee on Committees, Provost’s Council on Gender Equity, Chancellor Search Committee, Provost Search Committee, chair of the Teaching Advancement Board, Graduate College Executive Committee, Illinois Leadership Coordinating Committee, AHS Executive Committee, and chair of the AHS Educational Policy Committee. She is a University of Illinois Distinguished Teacher/Scholar and received the 2009 Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching.

ARCH 199 DAH: Daylighting, Architecture & Health, Mohamed Boubekri, Ph.D.

70257  |  12:00 – 1:20 p.m.  |  TR  |  205 ARCH  |  3 Hours

This is a lab/discussion type of course where students will learn about the basic principles of the use of natural light (daylighting) and how daylight impacts visual comfort and building occupants’ health and well-being. We will use the building occupants as the primary focus in this course in terms of success or failure of an architectural design solution. To do so, the course will be based on a series of lectures, round table discussions led by students focusing on dg strategies, and how daylight informs health and well- being of building users. Topics to be discussed are light and circadian rhythm, sleep disorders, vitamin D, and daylighting and human performance. Another portion of the course is lab-based in which students will design a small building (e.g. small office, small town library, etc.) with a sub-focus on daylighting computer and scale model simulation.

***This course is not being petitioned for gen ed credit this term***

Instructor: Mohamed Boubekri earned his Ph.D. in Architecture from Texas A&M University in 1990. His work focuses on sustainable architecture and the intersection of the built environment and human health. Through numerous publications (two recently published books), he explores the impact of the lack of daylight inside buildings on people’s health, behavior and overall well-being. More generally, his work also examines the relationship between architectural design, sustainable technologies and building energy/environmental performance.

ART 103 CHP: Painting and Collage Creations, Glen Davies

65057  |  9:30 – 11:20 a.m.  |  TR  |  330 Art and Design Building  |  3 Hours

This course is open to all, and requires no prerequisites. In this course we will learn how to create our own visual language as we explore color, composition, and content. Through the completion of four or five projects, we will investigate and explore the uses of paint and traditional art materials along with techniques that include collaged elements.

Each of the studio assignments will address issues that broaden our knowledge of painting and the materials and techniques that are used to achieve this goal.

Through the observation and examination of the world we live in, and the experimental use of paint and other materials in our assigned projects, we will educate our eyes and learn to make visual associations that yield content and encourage further investigation.

**This class is now full – Please contact Anne Price @aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**

***This course satisfies the general education requirements for Humanities – Literature and the Arts***

Instructor: Glen Davies attended the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, where he was influenced by the homegrown pop genre “imagism.” This helped set the stage for his recurring art themes: spiritual conflict, grotesque figural fantasies and complex psycho-dramas. After spending time traveling with circuses and carnivals, Davies worked as a billboard artist and sign painter before opening a mural painting business. After completing a BFA at Drake University and an MFA in painting from the University of Illinois, Davies has divided his time between studio pursuits and a variety of alternative employments, including circus/carnival show painter, sideshow banner artist, professional muralist, curator, and educator. Visiting artist and lecture duties have taken Davies to numerous colleges, universities and museums. His works reside in many public and private collections including Chicago’s Field Museum of Natural History, Krannert Art Museum, Georgia Museum of Art, American Academy of Pediatrics, and Roger Brown Study Collection of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. As guest curator for the Krannert Art Museum, Davies helped organize Palace of Wonders: Sideshow Banners of the Circus and Carnival, Cosmic Consciousness: The Works of Robert Bannister, and Stranger in Paradise: The Works of Rev. Howard Finster.

BADM 199 CHP: Business as a Force in American Society, B. Joseph White, Ph.D.

53818  |  6:00 – 8:50 p.m.  |  W  |  3063 BIF  |  3 Hours

Business is comprised of companies, industries, and the privately owned commercial sector of the American economy. Business is a major institution and powerful force in American society. It accounts for about 70% of the U.S. economy, and is the source of employment, compensation and benefits, and meaningful work for tens of millions of employed citizens. Business provides the goods and services that underpin the American standard of living.

With business’s benefits come many consequences. The American form of capitalism is relatively hard- edged and offers exceptional personal opportunity for high achievement and wealth creation. It also entails job insecurity, income inequality, and environmental strain. Healthy pursuit of self-interest sometimes morphs into greed, entitlement and corruption.

Opinions run strong among Americans about business as an institution. Some love it, others hate it and many are ambivalent. Opinions wax and wane depending on the times and recent events.

The purpose of this course is to challenge and enable students in the CHP to think about business in a holistic and analytical way and to develop opinions about business issues in a thoughtful, fact-based manner. The course will also help inform students’ thinking about career choice. These goals will be accomplished by looking at business through several lenses, including descriptive, critical and practical. We will also consider throughout the course the question, “What is a good company?”

The first six weeks of the course are devoted to conceptual material, company case studies and short lectures. The remainder of the course is devoted to sessions created by students with guidance and feedback from Professor White. Students select a topic of interest, write a brief presentation prospectus, then develop and deliver a professional quality presentation.

Performance evaluation and grades in the course are based on participation, presentation and related paper, and final essay exam.

***This course has been petitioned for general education credits and has been approved by all colleges for Social Sciences***

**This class is now full – Please contact Anne Price @aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**

Instructor: B. Joseph White is a James F. Towey Professor of Business and Leadership in the Gies College of Business and President Emeritus of the University of Illinois. He has also served as dean of the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, a director or trustee of private sector companies and non-profit organizations, and an executive on both Main Street and Wall Street. He earned his bachelor’s degree at the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, an M.B.A. at the Harvard Business School, and his Ph.D. at the University of Michigan. He is the author of many articles on business and two recent books, The Nature of Leadership and Boards That Excel.

CHLH 199 RAN: Behavioral and Environmental Determinants of Obesity, Ruopeng An, Ph.D.

70461  |  12:00 – 1:20 p.m.  |  MW  |  209 Huff Hall  |  3 Hours

In only three decades, obesity has evolved from what was seen as a minor issue which concerned only a few endocrinologists intrigued by the manifestations of the condition to a leading public health concern in the U.S. and worldwide. Traditional perspectives focused on individual choice and responsibility for unhealthy lifestyles such as overeating and sedentary behavior, whereas increasing attention has been shifted to the environmental determinants of obesity—the physical, social, political, and economic conditions where people are born, live, work and age that impact their waistline.

The aim of this course is to provide an overview on the behavioral and environmental determinants of the obesity epidemic. The course adopts a population perspective and draws from a large pool of studies at the frontier in obesity research. Students are expected to be constantly challenged and stimulated to exercise and sharpen their critical thinking skills through exploring and discussing complex issues, controversial topics, counterintuitive conclusions and conflicting evidence.

***This course is not being petitioned for gen ed credit this term***

**This class is now full – Please contact Anne Price @aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**

Instructor: Dr. Ruopeng An is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Community Health, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign since 2013. Before that, he worked as an Assistant Policy Analyst at the RAND Corporation since 2008 and obtained his PhD in Policy Analysis from the RAND Graduate School in 2013. In 2014, Dr. An received the Glenn A. Gotz Award in Economics Analysis from the RAND Corporation, and was twice the recipient of the RAND Impact Award in 2009 and 2011. Trained as a health policy analyst, Dr. An has strong quantitative analysis skills in the field of applied microeconomics, statistics, econometrics, and spatial analysis.

CWL 395: Literature and War, Nancy Blake, Ph.D.

64894  |  11:00 a.m. – 12:20 p.m.  |  MW  |  212 Honors  |  3 Hours

How do humans imagine one of their most characteristic and most controversial activities: war? Do descriptions of aggression and of trauma define fundamental values for most human society? How do we interpret the gap between the official heroic virtues recognized by a people and the disillusionment experienced by individuals who have lived through the horrors of warfare? This course will consider some of the various depictions of battle chronologically, beginning with Homer’s Iliad (8th C BC) and Sun Tzu’s The Art of War (6th C BC) and ending with contemporary texts. We will also travel across cultures in an attempt to understand the uses, philosophical, imaginary and symbolic of conflict. This course satisfies the requirements for General Education credit: Literature & Arts and Cultural Studies: Western.

***This course is being petitioned for Literature and the Arts and Western Gen Eds***

**This class is now full – Please contact Anne Price @aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**

Instructor: Nancy Blake is a professor of Comparative and World Literature, Cinema and Media Studies, Women and Gender Studies and an affiliate of the Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory and the Campus Honors Program. She is also a trained psychoanalyst who taught in France before joining the University of Illinois. She has regularly been recognized on the ICES list for courses taught for the Honors Program and for her undergraduate and graduate courses.

ECON 102 CHP: Microeconomic Principles, Martin Perry, Ph.D.

63021  |  11:00 a.m. – 12:20 p.m.  |  MW  |  111 DKH  |  3 Hours

This course focuses on the fundamental concepts and analysis of microeconomics, including supply and demand, the price mechanism, costs and revenues, theories of the firm, market structures, factor and resource markets, market failure and the impact of government in promoting economic efficiency. The course examines economic decision-making by individuals and firms and encourages students to apply microeconomic tools to current economic policy problems and issues such as pollution, rent controls, farm subsidies and welfare policies.

Upon completion of the course, a student will:

  1. Have a strong foundation in the theory and concepts of microeconomics
  2. Make connections between real world and academic economics
  3. Understand the relationship between conceptual and pragmatic applications of economics to the economic behavior of the “representative” individual, product, firm, market, price, etc.
  4. Learn how to apply the tools of microtheory to policy problems and issues such as global warming, pollution, health care, and government subsidies.

***Campus has granted every section of this course with General Education Social Science credits*****This class is now full – Please contact Anne Price @aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**

**You will not receive additional CHP credit for ECON 102 (or ECON 103), if you have had another ECON 102 section (or same for ECON 103)**

Instructor: Martin Perry is the Department Head and Professor of Economics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Perry specializes in the antitrust analysis of mergers and vertical restraints.

Before joining the University of Illinois in 2011, Dr. Perry served as Professor of Economics at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey since 1989. In addition, Dr. Perry held positions in research groups at Bell Telephone Laboratories and Bell Communications Research; has visited the Wharton School of Management at the University of Pennsylvania; and is a Research Affiliate at the Institute of Economic Analysis in Barcelona, Spain. During 2004, Dr. Perry served as the Chief Economist of the Federal Communications Commission. In that position, he worked on the investigation of the merger between Cingular Wireless and AWE Wireless.

Dr. Perry has published in the areas of vertical integration, resale price maintenance, exclusive dealing, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and mergers. His current research projects include vertical foreclosure, aftermarket pricing, and applications of auction models to industrial organization.

Dr. Perry has consulted for federal and state agencies on mergers in various industrial product markets and the casino gaming market in Atlantic City. Dr. Perry has also consulted on private antitrust cases involving aftermarket pricing, exclusive dealing, price discrimination, and casino gaming.

ENGL 116: Introduction to American Literature: Democracy in Hamilton’s America, Derrick Spires, Ph.D.

32293  |  2:00 – 3:15 p.m.  |  TR  |  1120 FLB  |  3 Hours

The award-winning Broadway musical, Hamilton, participates in a long tradition of defining the place that we now know as the United States through its past. These fictional renderings are often not about getting the history “right” as much as they are about meeting the needs of what Frederick Douglass described as the “ever-living now.” We tell stories about the past to help us understand our present and chart paths to the future. Despite its diverse casting and championing of democratic ideals, however, Hamilton’s narrative is pretty standard fare: a collection of ambitious white men defies the odds to “found” a new nation. What are the implications, then, of retelling this oft-repeated story with Miranda’s emphasis on Hamilton as an immigrant narrative in the twenty-first century? How have narratives about the American Revolution functioned over time, and how have they shaped our understandings of democracy in America?To answer these questions, we’ll examine American literary history and culture to think about the stories and people Hamilton draws on and leaves out. We’ll take a look at the documents informing Miranda’s lyrics, including the Federalist Papers and debates around the Declaration of Independence, women’s rights, and emancipation. We’ll read narratives from former slaves, radical women, abolitionists, American Indians, and white frontiersmen, and we’ll trace some of the musical’s key figures through visual culture and monuments. While most of our readings will come from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, we’ll also survey Hamilton’s contemporary influences (modern Hip Hop and show tunes) alongside crossover segments on contemporary media (Black-ish and the Hamilton Mixtape) and democratic theory. Above all, we’ll ask ourselves, what is the meaning of “democracy” in Alexander Hamilton’s and Hamilton’s America?

***This course satisfies the general education requirements for Humanities – Literature and the Arts-western***

**This class is now full – Please contact Anne Price @aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**

Instructor: Derrick R. Spires is Assistant Professor of English and an affiliate of the Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory. He specializes in African American literature, nineteenth-century American literature and politics, and print culture, and his work has been sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Ford and Mellon Foundations. He has published on the development of citizenship in the United States before the Fourteenth Amendment, Black Reconstruction, serial fiction, the sketch genre, and the slave narrative. His teaching interests include speculative fiction, gothic literature, race and gender studies, and citizenship studies.

FAA 110 E: Exploring Arts and Creativity, J.W. Morrissette & Brad Mehrtens

63087  |  10:30-11:50 a.m. plus outside course events  |  R  |  110 IGPA  |  3 Hours

High and street art, tradition and experimentation, the familiar and unfamiliar, international and American creativity provide this course’s foundation. Students will attend performances and exhibitions, interact with artists, and examine core issues associated with the creative process in our increasingly complex global society. Faculty from the arts, sciences, humanities, and other domains will lead students through visual arts, music, dance, and theatre experiences at Krannert Center and Krannert Art Museum to spark investigation and dialogue.

The class meets twice per week: once a week for discussions, and a second time to attend performances and/or exhibitions at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts and/or Krannert Art Museum. Event dates will vary. Admission to all events will be provided without charge to students enrolled in the course.

***This course satisfies the General Education Criteria in Fall 2018 for a Literature and the Arts course.***

**This class is now full – Please contact Anne Price @aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**

Instructor: Brad Mehrtens – Instructor and Advisor, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology

Brad earned his bachelor’s in biology from Truman State University, and his master’s in microbiology from Illinois. His research interests include educational pedagogy; course design; and assessment; his advising interests include transitions for freshmen and transfer students; preparing for professional or graduate programs; understanding the undergraduate research experience; acknowledging and addressing academic or personal issues. As for hobbies, Brad enjoys acting, theatre, movies, music, and sports.

Instructor: J.W. Morrissette – Assistant Head, Department of Theatre

J.W. has served in the Department of Theatre for 21 years. He has also served as the chair of the BFA Theatre Studies Program as well as the assistant program coordinator for Inner Voices Social Issues Theatre. He earned his BFA in Acting at Otterbein College in Westerville, Ohio, and both his MFA in Acting and MA in Theatre History at the University of Illinois. J.W. has taught and directed for the past 17 years with the summer Theatre Department at Interlochen Center for the Arts, has directed and taught at Parkland College, and teaches acting, directing, and Introduction to Theatre Arts at Illinois. He has been integral in developing components for the online course offerings in the department, as well as supervising all senior Theatre Studies Thesis Projects.

KIN 340 SP1: Sociology & Psychology of Physical Activity, Steven Petruzzello, Ph.D.

64961  |  1:00 – 2:20 p.m.  |  TR  |  130 Freer  |  3 Hours

Social and Psychological Aspects of Physical Activity is designed to acquaint you with how psychological and social processes and constraints influence human action in physical activity environments. The course will utilize both lecture and laboratory/discussion formats, with ample opportunity for interaction and discussion between professor and students and among yourselves. There may be occasional guest lectures. You, as the student, should feel free (and are strongly encouraged) to ask questions, take alternate viewpoints, present supportive arguments for statements, and generally make yourself a presence in the class. This cannot be emphasized enough. Keeping your insights and ideas to yourself will deprive us all of potentially illuminating, interesting, and useful information.

I believe in the following statement by Socrates: “I cannot teach anybody anything; I can only make them think.” From you I expect: (a) commitment to excellence, that is, I don’t want you to overlook other important aspects of your life, but I do expect you to do work, spend the time, and do the reading and writing (and thus, thinking) necessary to be successful in this course; (b) self-motivation; and (c) initiative and critical thought. If you leave my classroom and have acquired a stronger ability to think, I will have done my job.

***Campus has granted every section of this course with General Education credits (Advanced Composition)***

**This class is now full – Please contact Anne Price @aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**

Instructor: Steven Petruzzello is an Associate Professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Community Health. He received his Ph.D. in Exercise Science, Psychology of Exercise and Sport from Arizona State University in 1991. He began his career at UIUC in 1991 and has served as the Associate Head for Graduate Studies, Department of Kinesiology & Community Health since 2011. He has also been a Research Scientist for the Illinois Fire Service Institute since 2005.

Professor Petruzzello’s research focuses on determining the mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of exercise in improving affect/emotion. The second line of research examines the physiological and psychological aspects of firefighting.

Professor Petruzzello has been awarded the College of Applied Health Sciences Undergraduate Teaching Faculty award, the Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, and has consistently been named to the List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students.

LER 199 IR: Immigration and Race: Inequality in Work, Michael H. LeRoy, Ph.D.

70463  |  3:00 – 5:20 p.m.  |  T  |  212 Honors House  |  3 Hours

Throughout U.S. history, whites have erected legal barriers to racial equality in the workplace. This course examines public policies, drawn from the U.S. Constitution, laws, court rulings, executive orders and related policy directives that have led to inequality in work. Our weekly readings will examine these topics:

  1. Constitutional debates, admission of free and slave states, and related court rulings that maintained and enhanced slavery as well as inferior legal status for free blacks.
  2. Public policy debates over “compassionate” repatriation of blacks to Liberia, and the presumption that whites and blacks are inherently incapable of working side-by- side.
  3. Court rulings declaring that slaves and peons are property or of such inferior legal status as to deny those individuals basic human rights of liberty and equality; and protests, revolts, and other organized resistance by slaves and people of color.
  4. Radical Republicans, Reconstruction, and the Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses.
  5. The rise of the Ku Klux Klan, white terrorism, quasi-slavery, and sharecropping; and passage of the Ku Klux Klan Act.
  6. Chinese immigration and “Yellow Fever”; and the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.
  7. Legal dismantling of the Ku Klux Klan Act and emergence of Jim Crow.
  8. Japanese and pan-Asian immigration restrictions; the National Origins Formula.
  9. Labor unions and the reborn KKK: The segregated workplace.
  10. The Two Faces of FDR: Japanese Internment and Executive Order 8802 (ordering integration of U.S. industrial plants).
  11. Legislating racial equality in the workplace, 1964-2016: Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.
  12. White Supremacy and Nativism in the Age of Trump.

***This course has been petitioned for gen ed credit and has been approved by all colleges for Cultural Studies: Non-Western/US Minority Cultures.***

**This class is now full – Please contact Anne Price @aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**

Instructor: Professor Michael LeRoy has published extensively on antitrust in professional sports, immigration, race, and employment policy (in particular, the “gig economy”), strikes and lockouts, voluntary and mandatory arbitration, employee involvement teams, and labor law implications stemming from national emergencies. Professor LeRoy has testified before the full U.S. Senate Committee on labor and human resources; consulted at the request of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers in connection with the Taft-Hartley labor dispute involving Pacific Maritime Association and International Longshore and Warehouse Union; and served as an advisor to the President’s Commission on the United States Postal Service.

LING 240B: Language in Human History, Hans Henrich Hock, Ph.D.

40360  |  12:30 – 1:50 p.m.  |  TR  |  212 Honors House  |  3 Hours

Whose past is it? The uses and misuses of linguistics, prehistory, genetics/genomics, and archaeology in national and group self-definition and in the exclusion of others. We will focus especially on the Aryan issue in four contexts: (1) Nazi ideology and the “Aryan Myth”, (2) neo-fascist movements in Russia, (3) current ideological movements in South Asia, and (4) ideological interpretations of the Tarim Mummies of Xinjiang. In the course of evaluating these issues, we will discuss the question of scientific methodology and the responsibility of historians, linguists, geneticists, and archaeologists to address misuses or deliberate misinterpretations of their results by nationalist and racist ideological movements.

***This course satisfies the Historical & Philosophical Perspectives gen ed***

**This class is now full – Please contact Anne Price @aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**

Instructor: Hans Henrich Hock is Professor Emeritus of Linguistics and Sanskrit, University of Illinois. He has taught and done work in Indo-European comparative and historical linguistics with major focus on Sanskrit, as well as on language and ideology. Major publications include Principles in Historical Linguistics (1986, 1991), Language History, Language Change, and Language Relationship (co-author with Brian D. Joseph, 1996, 2nd ed. 2009), Studies in Sanskrit Syntax (ed., 1991), An Early Upanishadic Reader (2007), The Languages and Linguistics of South Asia (ed. with Elena Bashir, 2016). Honors include recognition as Vidyasagara by Mandakini at the 10th World Sanskrit Conference in Bangalore (1997), election as Fellow of the Linguistic Society of America (Class of 2013), and the Sukumar Sen Memorial Gold Medal for work in historical and comparative linguistics (Asiatic Society, Kolkata, India, 2015).

MATH 199 CHP: Probability and the Real World, A.J. Hildebrand, Ph.D.

47745  |  4:00 – 5:20 p.m.  |  TR  |  243 Altgeld  |  3 Hours

Among all mathematical fields, probability and statistics are perhaps the most relevant in the real world and the most frequently encountered in daily life, but also the most common source of misconceptions and fallacies by the general public. In this course we will explore this subject using real-world examples taken from sports, society and everyday life, and selected to match the interests and background of the audience. Past editions of the course have touched on topics ranging from predictions and rankings in sports to the physics of coin tosses, the psychology of probability, fraud detection using probability; freakonomics type questions, as well as classic puzzles and paradoxes in probability that are both fun and educational.

This course has no formal prerequisites and can accommodate a broad range of backgrounds; in particular, no prior knowledge of probability or statistics is assumed. The course has very little overlap with traditional courses in probability or statistics and can serve to complement such courses. Grading will be based on participation, assignments, individual and group projects, and student presentations.

***This course is being petitioned for general education credits and has been approved for Quantitative Reasoning I by all colleges.***

**This class is now full – Please contact Anne Price @aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**

Instructor: A.J. Hildebrand is Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at the University of Illinois. His research interests are in the areas of number theory, probability, combinatorics, and analysis. In his more than three decades at Illinois, Dr. Hildebrand has taught at all levels on subjects ranging from calculus to probability, actuarial statistics, number theory, and mathematical writing. In 2011 he received the Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. Outside the classroom, he is involved in running the math contest program at Illinois, mentoring students in undergraduate research, and directing a summer undergraduate research program in mathematics.

PS 224: Politics of National Parks, Robert Pahre, Ph.D.

70395  |  4:00-6:00 p.m.  |  Tues 11/13, 11/27, 12/4  |  111 DKH  |  4 Hours

This course uses the national parks of West Texas and adjacent parts of New Mexico and Coahuila to explore general questions of politics and policy in US national parks. The major focus is Big Bend National Park, a large park that illustrates central challenges in US park management.

We will experience other sites to round out our understanding of the national park system. Congress created Guadalupe National Park during the wilderness phase of US national parks, illustrating issues around park development and wilderness protection. Carlsbad Caverns exemplifies decisions associated with tourism development that the National Park Service has addressed differently at various times in its hundred-year history, raising historical questions about American attitudes toward the environment. Fort Davis represents questions around NPS management of its historic and archaeological sites, which make up more than half of the national park system. Time permitting, Chamizal illustrates different kinds of issues around NPS historic sites, especially the politics of interpretation.

This is a second 8 week fall/first 8 week spring course that includes a trip to West Texas and New Mexico in January 2019, with a student fee of $1200.

***This course has been approved by campus as a Social & Behavioral Science gen ed.***

**This class is now full – Please contact Anne Price @aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**

Instructor: Robert Pahre is Head of the Department of Political Science. He is also a Professor of Political Science and, by courtesy, in the Department of Recreation, Sport, and Tourism. He has published academic articles and books in political science and other social sciences, as well as magazine and newspaper articles on the national parks. He has received departmental, college, and campus awards for teaching excellence, and departmental awards for graduate student mentoring.

THEA 199: Currents in Contemporary Theatre, Tom Mitchell, MFA

35252  |  12:00 – 12:50 p.m.|  |  MWF  |  3601 KCPA  |  3 Hours

The Contemporary Theatre is a great place to consider the issues of today and how artists wrestle with those concerns. Students will explore the creative process of making theatre by reading plays and attending rehearsals, production meetings, and performances. Among the plays studied will be A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, An American Daughter, and Marat/Sade.

***This course has been petitioned for gen ed credits and has been approved by all colleges for Humanities & the Arts: Literature and the Arts.***

**This class is now full – Please contact Anne Price @aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**

Instructor: Tom Mitchell is Director of Undergraduate Studies for the Department of Theatre at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He directs regularly at Krannert Center including last season’s productions of All the King’s Men and Hansel & Gretel. Mitchell has a special focus on the work of playwright Tennessee Williams. He directed the 21st century premieres of Tennessee Williams’s Stairs to the Roof and Candles to the Sun, as well as Fugitive Kind, Spring Storm and Battle of Angels. He authored articles and presented at international conferences on Williams, incorporating performance along with historical research. He is former chair of the Mid-America Theatre Conference Directing Symposium and an honorary faculty member at Inner Mongolia University Arts College. For eight summers, Mitchell chaired the Summer Theatre Program at the Interlochen Center for the Arts in Northwest Michigan. With colleague Burnet Hobgood, Mitchell authored, A Framework for Directing in the Theatre, and has made numerous presentations on the practice of directing in the contemporary theatre.

CHP 395B: Higher Ed Topic: What does it mean to be an educated person?, Chris Higgins, Ph.D.

31625  |  1:00 – 2:20 p.m.  |  MW  |  236 Wohlers  |  3 Hours

What does it mean to be an educated person? Each of us must face this central existential question. Though others, near and far, will play crucial roles in your formation, the responsibility falls ultimately on you to form yourself according to a worthy ideal, to locate resources for self-cultivation and integrate them into a life worth living. But we often beg this question by acting as if years of schooling were a good proxy for being educated. Upon reflection, it becomes clear that some of the most important moments in our formation occur outside of formal education and that much of what occurs in schools has little to do with education and might even be miseducative. The phrase “higher education” is meant to signal not simply more schooling, but a new, more complicated task, when learners begins to evaluate their past formations, wrestle with rival ideals of the educated person, and begin to take increasing responsibility for their own education. This interdisciplinary discussion seminar provides an opportunity to undertake this work. Drawing on primary texts in the arts and humanities, we will examine the nature of formal and informal learning, the tradition of Western, general (or liberal) education, the meaning of vocation, and a number of rich, rival conceptions of what it means to be an educated person.

***This course will not be petitioned for gen ed credit***

Instructor: Chris Higgins (BA, Yale; Ph.D., Columbia) is Associate Professor of Philosophy of Education in the Department of Education Policy, Organization and Leadership, with affiliate appointments in the Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory and the Center for Translation Studies. He is the Editor of Educational Theory and Editor-in-Chief of Philosophy of Education. He was Co-Director of an NEH Summer Institute for College Teachers entitled “The Centrality of Translation to the Humanities: New Interdisciplinary Scholarship” (2013). And he is currently a Resident Associate at the Center for Advanced Study, co-directing a two-year initiative, “Learning Publics,” examining how public universities and the public humanities sustain public life. His book, The Good Life of Teaching: An Ethics of Professional Practice (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011) offers one of the first systematic extensions of virtue ethics to questions concerning work and professional identity. His scholarly work also explores teacher education, the teacher-student relationship, aesthetic education, and what makes a public school public. His current book project defends a new theory of humanism and liberal learning, offering a critique of the corporatized, vocationalized multiversity.

CHP 395C: Journalists in Popular Culture, Matthew Ehrlich, Ph.D.

55838  |  2:00 – 3:20 p.m.  |  MW  |  212 Honors House  |  3 Hours

Why should we care about the image of the journalist in popular culture? The main reasons are simple: First, journalism is supposed to provide us with the stories and information that we need to govern ourselves. Second, journalists have long been familiar characters in popular culture, and those characters are likely to shape people’s impressions of the news media at least as much if not more than the actual press does. Third, popular culture is a powerful tool for thinking about what journalism is and should be. This class will examine depictions of journalists in movies, TV shows, and other media over the past century—depictions that are at once repellent and romantic, villainous and heroic—and it will consider their implications for the news media, the public, and democracy. It is intended as a provocative and entertaining way of generating insight into not only journalism, but also ourselves.

***This course will not be petitioned for gen ed credit***

**This class is now full – Please contact Anne Price @aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**

Instructor: Matthew Ehrlich is Professor Emeritus of Journalism. He has won the Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching at the University of Illinois. He also has appeared on the List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students 38 different semesters. Professor Ehrlich’s books include Heroes and Scoundrels: The Image of the Journalist in Popular Culture and Journalism in the Movies. His latest book project is Kansas City vs. Oakland: How Two Cities and Their Sports Teams Fought to Be Big League. Professor Ehrlich has served as Interim Director of the Institute of Communications Research at the U of I. Before becoming a professor, he worked for several years as a public radio journalist, including at Illinois Public Media.

CHP 396C: Gender Communication, Grace Giorgio, Ph.D.

40536  |  2:00 – 3:20 p.m.  |  TR  |  169 Davenport  |  3 Hours

This course investigates how gender and sexuality are communicated. Language, our statements as well as our demeanors, both explains and defines us. It sends covert as well as overt messages about us and our culture. In a complicated and not generally symmetrical fashion, our gender and sexuality inform our language and our language informs our gender and sexuality. This course focuses on the ways in which we discuss and enact – the ways in which we verbally and physically speak – gender and sexuality. This course interrogates social and cultural notions of gender and sexuality, and examines the way in which language serves to both reinforce and challenge these notions.

Course objectives:

Develop a fundamental understanding of how gender and language interface in contemporary social and political contexts; analyze and critique how gendered language shapes individual subjectivity in social, cultural, and political spheres; increase skillfulness in analysis, theory, and praxis; apply qualitative research methods to the study of gendered communication.

***Campus has granted this course with Advanced Composition General Education credits and it has been petitioned as a Social Science gen ed and approved by all colleges.***

**This class is now full – Please contact Anne Price @aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**

Instructor: Grace Giorgio has been teaching in the Department of Communication since she arrived on campus as a graduate student in 1995. In 2001, she began teaching full time for the University, developing and teaching courses in popular media, gender communication, public policy and sustainability, and the geography of culture. Dr. Giorgio began teaching for Campus Honors in the fall of 2012, launching a course on place making, Communicating Public Policy: Our Cities/Ourselves (CMN 220). She also taught Gender Communication for CHP in the fall of 2015. In 2013, Dr. Giorgio received the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Teaching Award. In the fall of 2015, she received two Provost Office grants to develop and launch Writing Fundamentals, an online, interactive grammar program for Illinois writing courses. In concert with Engineering faculty, Dr. Giorgio received a Strategic Innovations Instructional Program grant to support Engineering students with public speaking. Her research interests include an experimental use of qualitative research methods to investigate the intersection of self, culture, and the public sphere. Dr. Giorgio also directs Oral and Written Communication (CMN 111/112) and manages her department’s teaching internship. She teaches CMN 375, Popular Media and Culture, a large lecture course as well as Public Policy and Gender and Women’s Studies classes. She serves on undergraduate distinction projects, oversees independent studies and internships. Her film production background has helped her guide students with making public projects such as videos, podcasts, and performance installations.

***PLEASE NOTE: Courses petitioned for General Education credit by Campus Honors Program will appear on student records around the middle of term. This will not appear at the time of registration.***

+++ Please note that campus policy restricts students from using more than 12 credits of “199” courses towards your credits for graduation. CHP allows the use of all of this type of courses towards our program requirements. You are not restricted from taking as many “199” courses as you would like just beware of this graduation credit limit.+++