ABE 199 CHP: Water in a Global Environment, Prasanta Kalita, Ph.D.
55376 | MW | 1:00-2:50 p.m. | 1st 8 week Online | 3 Hours
“Water in a Global Environment” enhances students’ understanding and appreciation of the impact water has globally, and in various cultures around the world. Students will be encouraged to step outside their traditional thinking and become knowledgeable about how water availability and quality affect the day to day lives of people. Without water, or suitable water, cultural infrastructure is destined to fail. Water is arguably the most precious resource in the world. Water quality and its impact on global environment will be explicitly covered. Students develop in-depth analyses of case studies that examine historical and current water-related issues and solutions used to tackle these issues in various parts of the world (Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, South America, USA). This course’s goal is not only to educate students on one of the most important and critical areas of concern in the world today, but to motivate them to use their enhanced knowledge to make an impact both locally and globally.
*This course has been petitioned and approved by all colleges for the General Education requirements for Natural Sciences and Technology: Physical Sciences, and for Cultural Studies: Non-Western Cultures*
**This course is currently full. Contact Anne Price at aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**
Instructor: Prasanta Kalita is Professor in the soil and water resources engineering program in Agricultural and Biological Engineering. His research focuses on water management and water quality, hydrology, erosion and sediment control, and global food security. Professor Kalita is an Elected Fellow of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) and the Indian Society for Agricultural Engineers (ISAE).
ANTH 175 CHP: Archaeology & Popular Culture, Helaine Silverman, Ph.D.
43175 | MW | 11:00 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. | 212 Honors | 3 Hours
“Archaeology and Popular Culture” examines the ways in which the ancient past has been appropriated, represented, used and misused for a variety of reasons by conspiracy theorists, political parties, national governments, and religious and ethnic groups. We explore persistent claims about Atlantis and the Lost Tribes of Israel in the New World, theories about an extraterrestrial origin of major archaeological monuments around the world and their popularization on American television networks, and dangerous age-old assertions of land ownership that have prompted war (including conflicts in the Balkans, between Thailand and Cambodia, and Vladimir Putin’s egregious revision of Ukrainian history). We also look at “productive” events such as the peopling of the Pacific Islands. We consider the characteristics of pseudo-science and contrast it with the scientific method for testing evidence deployed by archaeologists. Students will write brief position papers on several of the topics; no exams. Various short film clips are shown throughout the semester.
*This course has been approved by campus for the General Education requirement for Humanities and the Arts: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives*
**This course is currently full. Contact Anne Price at aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**
Instructor: Helaine Silverman, Professor in Anthropology, has conducted many years of fieldwork in Peru with additional research in England and Thailand. Her new project is studying the tourism potential of various downstate Illinois communities based on their historic and heritage resources. She has been on the List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent many times.
ARCH 199 KH: Architecture & the Built Environment, Kevin Hinders, M.Arch
54216 | TR |10:00-11:20 a.m. | Temple Buell Hall | 3 Hours
This course introduces students to the role of the architect in the creation of the built environment. The course has three interactive areas: site visits to selected structures and spaces; readings and lectures; and creative spatial design that allows students the opportunity to explore the design process. This course is planned for non-majors interested in the built environment. Typically, the first class period each week will be a visit to a work or works of architecture on or around the UIUC campus and surrounding area. Visits address a variety of issues as they affect the design process, issues that inevitably determine architectural form. They include such varied phenomena as structure, cultural values, traditions, innovations, and mechanical systems, among others. The second class period each week involves learning more about the design process and allows for exploration of the creativity involved in architectural practice.
*This course has been petitioned and approved by all colleges for the General Education requirements for Humanities and the Arts: Literature and the Arts, and for Cultural Studies: Western/Comparative Cultures.*
**This course is currently full. Contact Anne Price at aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**
Instructor: Kevin Hinders, Associate Professor of Architecture, has taught at the University of Illinois since 1990. He has taught at every level in the graduate and undergraduate design studio curriculum. He is a practicing architect and coordinates the Chicago Studio for the School of Architecture. His research interests are in urban design, digital technology and the design process.
ARTJ 209: Chado: The Way of Tea, Jennifer Gunji-Ballsrud, MFA
74959 | W | 1:00 – 3:40 p.m. | Japan House | 3 Hours
The main focus of this course is the exploration of how the Way of Tea can be applied to each different discipline as well as to one’s everyday life. Through the study of the Way of Tea and the Zen worldview, students should acquire a better understanding of Japanese culture and also come to see their own culture in a new light. In this course, the study of Zen aesthetics and philosophy, as well as special rituals and equipment for serving a bowl of tea will be introduced. Serving a bowl of tea is an ordinary act, yet in the tea ceremony this very ordinary act has been elevated into an extraordinary art form. When one wishes to serve a bowl of tea in the sincerest and the most pleasant manner, one has to pay detailed attention to each movement, and the recipient is to enjoy a bowl of tea not only with the palate but also with all other senses. Thus, both host and guest can enrich life through a bowl of tea. Through this course experience, it is hoped that students realize that any simple and ordinary act can be extraordinary and can contribute to their success in all human endeavors. One of the most important objectives of this course is to learn what it means to be a fine human being.
*An additional materials fee of $50.00 is required for this course*
*This course has been approved by campus for the General Education requirement for Cultural Studies: Non-Western Cultures*
**This course is currently full. Contact Anne Price at aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**
Instructor: Jennifer Gunji-Ballsrud is Associate Professor in the School of Art and Design and has been Director of Japan House for 9 years. She participated in the graphic design program for 13 years. She has been studying the Urasenke Way of Tea since 1990 under various teachers. She has earned the Wakindate level as an intermediate student in the Urasenke Foundation and has been teaching university courses for Japan House for the past 20 years. She was awarded the College of Fine & Applied Arts Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2004, and the Broadrick-Allen Award for Excellence in Honors Teaching from the Campus Honors Program in 2017.
BADM 199: Exploring Leadership: Insights from Philosophy to Pop Culture, Elizabeth A. Luckman, Ph.D.
53818 | TR | 3:30-4:50 PM | 212 Honors | 3 Hours
Chances are you’ve taken a leadership class or workshop before. What did you learn? Did they teach you leadership types? Did they share frameworks for effective leadership that you were expected to memorize? Did they talk about the communication and critical thinking skills you need to develop? And when you left, did you promptly put all of those things away in a corner of your mind until you needed them in the future?
This is a different type of class on leadership. We are going to explore leadership as a concept. Through reading (and watching!) and meaningful dialogue, we will define leadership as a class. We will talk about the challenges that all of those leadership “typologies” lead to and why it is so challenging to be an effective leader. We will explore leadership not as a formal role, but as a way of stepping up and being the best version of yourself. In this class, we will read widely from ancient Chinese philosophy to the cutting-edge work on leadership being done in the organizational sciences. We will wrap up class by watching “Ted Lasso” – and considering what it is about this fictional character and television show that has captured the attention of audiences everywhere.
This course employs the Harkness method of discussion. Harkness is a method of “student-led learning” that is rooted in student curiosity and enquiry.
*This course has been petitioned and approved by all colleges the General Education requirement for Social and Behavioral Science: Social Science*
**This course is currently full. Contact Anne Price at aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**
Instructor: Elizabeth Luckman is Clinical Assistant Professor of Business Administration and a Disruption and Innovation Scholar. She favors a teaching model that combines a dynamic classroom with mentorship. In addition to content mastery, she emphasizes broader themes: problem-solving for complexity, continuous learning and improvement, how ethical, adaptive leaders cultivate higher performing organizations, the vital roles of communication and social interaction, and the paramount goal of creating value for stakeholders, especially the end customer. She is specifically interested in leadership, ethics, negotiation, management, organizational development and change.
Her significant experience with a major corporation, including five years in management, adds valuable insight to her teaching. Having led teams that successfully battled to achieve demanding performance objectives amplify her ability to prepare students to lead with impact.
CHP 395A: Race and Nation in Latin/x America, Monica Garcia Blizzard, Ph.D.
31622 | TR | 2:00 – 3:20 p.m. | 212 Honors | 3 Hours
***Course description coming soon***
*This course has been petitioned and approved by all colleges for General Education credits for Humanities and the Arts: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives, and for Cultural Studies: U.S. Minority Cultures*
Mónica García Blizzard received a B.A. in Romance Languages and Literatures with minors in Anthropology and European Studies from the University of Notre Dame, where she also completed an M.A. in Italian studies. She holds an M.A. and Ph.D. in Latin American Literatures and Cultures from The Ohio State University.
Dr. García Blizzard’s research interests lie at the intersection of Latin American Cultural Studies and Film Studies. Her primary scholarly focus is race and national identity in Mexican cinema. Her dissertation received the 2017 LASA Mexico Section Award for best dissertation. She has written articles and reviews published in Alternativas: Latin American Cultural Studies Journal, Vivomatografías: Revista de estudios sobre precine y cine silente en América Latinoamérica, Studies in Spanish and Latin American Cinemas, and Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies. She has forthcoming publications in Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos and Estudios Mexicanos/Mexican Studies.
Her first book, The White Indians of Mexican Cinema: Racial Masquerade throughout the Golden Age, (SUNY Press, 2022), argues that the filmic representation of indigeneity through white Mexican bodies during the mid-twentieth century reveals the unresolved tensions between competing racial ideologies and proposals for national identity.
Mónica was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico to Mexican parents from Mexico City and Guanajuato, and was raised primarily in Texas. Her transnational, transcultural, and multilingual life experience has shaped her hemispheric perspective, as well as her focus on nationalisms, racial formations, and marginality.
CHP 395B: Thinking and Reasoning, Jonathan Livengood, Ph.D. and John Hummel, Ph.D.
31625 | MWF | 1:00 – 1:50 p.m. | 212 Honors | 3 Hours
In this course we consider the cognitive science of scientific reasoning, broadly construed. Beginning with a simple model of scientific method having four distinct phases, we consider some options for modeling reasoning problems distinctive of each phase. Our primary focus is on analogical reasoning, causal and explanatory reasoning, deductive reasoning, and inductive reasoning. But along the way, we will have things to say about creativity, relational reasoning, counterfactual reasoning, probabilistic reasoning, and much else!
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to describe some central features of the human psychology of scientific thinking and reasoning. You will be able to explain what is meant by “abductive,” “deductive,” and “inductive” reasoning and be able to describe some models of how such reasoning is carried out in human cognition. You will be able to identify some open empirical questions and explain how those questions might be settled by observation and experimentation. And, you will be able to write a research paper defending a claim about how scientific reasoning works with respect to (at least) one of the topics covered in the course.
*This course has been petitioned and approved by all colleges for General Education credits for Quantitative Reasoning II and for Humanities and the Arts: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives*
**This course is currently full. Contact Anne Price at aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**
Instructors: Jonathan Livengood is Associate Professor in Philosophy. His research is motivated by his interest in scientific method — an interest he’s had since reading C.S. Peirce’s Illustrations of the Logic of Science as an undergraduate. (If you want to read the Illustrations as they originally appeared, Google Books has you covered: The Fixation of Belief, How to Make Our Ideas Clear, The Doctrine of Chances, The Probability of Induction, The Order of Nature, and Deduction, Induction, and Hypothesis.) Currently, Professor Livengood is working on several problems under the umbrella of causal reasoning. Some of his research concerns the psychology and semantics of causal reasoning, the normative questions about causal inference from data, and the role and legitimacy of causal reasoning in science.
John Hummel is Professor in Psychology. He works primarily on attention and perception and on cognitive psychology, and on how our brains construct representations of objects and the relationship between objects. He directs the lab in Relational Perception and Thinking at Illinois.
CHP 395C: Transitional Justice, Colleen Murphy, Ph.D.
55838 | MW | 1:00 – 2:20 p.m. | Law Building, Room K (Mondays) and Room J (Wednesdays) | 3 Hours
*This course is a new addition to the curriculum for Fall 2023! Please contact Anne Price (aeprice@illinois.edu) if you have any questions about registration.
Wrongdoing is part of the history of many, if not most, political communities around the globe. Transitional justice refers to the process of responding to wrongdoing in the context of a transition away from extended periods of conflict and/or repression. The wrongs of interest constitute mass human rights violations and often implicate state officials. In this course, we survey a range of legal processes used to respond to such wrongdoing, including amnesty, criminal punishment, truth commissions, reparations, and official apologies. The central question the course takes up is: are (all/some/none) of such varied processes are just responses to wrongdoing? To answer this question, we consider the point(s) or purpose(s) of each type of response. Are responses oriented towards fulfilling claims of victims or demands on perpetrators? Forward-looking goals and objectives? Both? We also consider their effectiveness: To what extent, and under what conditions, does a given legal response facilitate its stated purposes and goals? Our discussions draw two cases, South Africa and the United States. The United States has as part of its history the enslavement of Africans and their descendants, and racial segregation in the Jim Crow period. South Africa in 1994 held its first democratic elections, following a multi-decade period of apartheid.
*This course has been approved by campus for the General Education requirements for Humanities & the Arts: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives and Cultural Studies: U.S. Minority Cultures.*
**This course is currently full. Contact Anne Price at aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**
Instructor: Colleen Murphy is the Roger and Stephany Joslin Professor of Law. Professor Murphy holds courtesy appointments as a Professor of Philosophy and of Political Science, and she is the Director of the Women and Gender in Global Perspectives Program in the Illinois Global Institute. Since joining the faculty at Illinois, Professor Murphy has served as the Acting Executive Director of the Illinois Global Institute, a Humanities Research Institute – Andrew W. Mellon Faculty Fellow in Legal Humanities, a Public Voices Fellow and an Associate of the Center for Advanced Study at Illinois, as well as a Visiting Professor at the 4.TU Centre for Ethics in the Netherlands. Prior to joining the Illinois faculty, Professor Murphy was on the faculty at Texas A&M University and held a Laurence Rockefeller Visiting Faculty Fellowship at the Princeton University Center for Human Values.
Professor Murphy is a scholar and teacher in the areas of moral, political, and legal theory. Her research focuses specifically on political reconciliation and transitional justice in response to entrenched injustice, and on the legal and ethical dimensions of risks. She is the author of The Conceptual Foundations of Transitional Justice (Cambridge University Press, 2017), which received the 2017 North American Society for Social Philosophy Book Award and the Wayne R. LaFave Award for Excellence in Faculty Scholarship from the University of Illinois College of Law.
Murphy holds a M.A. and Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a B.A. from the University of Notre Dame.
CLCV 221/CWL 263: Odysseus and Other Heroes, Ariana Traill, Ph.D.
33455/33458 | MWF | 12:00-12:50 PM | 311 Gregory Hall | 3 Hours
The story of Odysseus’ ten-year voyage home from Troy has entertained audiences for nearly 3000 years. Whether you are new to the story or have known it for years, this course will give you a chance to enjoy it, with interesting facts and insights from (literally!) 2500 years’ worth of other readers.
We will start with the Odyssey and compare its hero with other figures from ancient epic poems: the Epic of Gilgamesh, selections from the Iliad (Homer), the Aeneid (Virgil), selections from the Argonautica.
(Apollonius), Euripides’ Medea, selections from the Civil War (Lucan) and The Golden Ass (Apuleius). Everything will be read in translation. The default is English, but you may choose the language(s) in which you read these poems.
Along the way, we will learn how epic poets shaped folklore, myth and earlier epics into new poems, the features that commonly categorize a poem as epic, the structure/organization of each poem, and background of the poems, including their historical context and the roles of women. We will also learn how to analyze these texts as literature. We will look at questions of language, characterization, plot, and theme. Approaches covered include Parry-Lord oral-formulaic theory, classical philology, comparative folklore, intertextual and genre criticism, narratology, and feminist criticism. On occasion, we will look at adaptations of these poems, including film adaptations
*This course has been approved by campus for the General Education requirement for Humanities and the Arts: Literature and the Arts, and for Cultural Studies: Western Cultures*
Instructor: Ariana Traill (B.A. University of Toronto 1991, Ph.D. Harvard 1997) is Associate Professor and Lynn M Martin Professorial Scholar in the Department of the Classics. She is also affiliated with Theater Studies. Her research interests include Greek and Roman comedy, women in antiquity, and the reception of ancient comedy. She is the author of Women and the Comic Plot in Menander (Cambridge, 2008) and co-editor of A Companion to Terence (Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, with Antony Augoustakis). Current book projects include a commentary and edited volume on Plautus’ Cistellaria, and a translation of Menander’s Periceiromene. She has had the richly rewarding experience of teaching classes for CHP since 2005.
CW 106 CHP: Introduction to Poetry Writing, Janice Harrington, Ph.D.
45277| TR | 12:00-1:50 PM | 113 ENGL Bldg | 3 Hours
In her poem “A Summer Day,” Mary Oliver asks “what is it you plan to do / with your one wild and precious life?” This course is for students who might answer—I want to write a poem, or I want to find out what my written voice(s) sounds like, or I want to use my imagination, or I want to feel the deep pleasure that can come from reading poetry.
Introduction to Poetry Writing will challenge you to write and revise rigorously. You will read (reread) and analyze numerous poems from past and contemporary poets. But a vital component of the class will involve close-reading and studying the works of your peers. Poems generated by your classmates will serve as your textbook and microscope. Together, we will learn how to close read them not as literary critics but as poets. How is the poem structured? How does it use figurative language? How does the poet create movement, images, tension? What are the poem’s strengths or successes? What tone or tones does the poem have? What does this poem teach you about writing a poem?
Drawing on an approach by poet Michael Hurley, I have organized the class around types of poems and the work that poems perform. As Jericho Brown reminds us, we fall in love with poetry poem by poem.
*This course has been petitioned and approved by all colleges for Humanities & Arts: Literature and the Arts general education credit*
Instructor: An award-winning poet, Janice N. Harrington has published three books of poetry, including her most recent, Primitive: The Art and Life of Horace H. Pippin. Harrington also has several acclaimed children’s books to her credit, most recently Hurry, Kate or You’ll Be Late, Buzzing with Questions, and the verse novel Catching a Storyfish.
DANC 100H: Black Social Dances of Resistance, C. Kemal Nance, Ph.D.
46037 | MW | 1:00 P.M. – 2:20 P.M. | DAB 1907/N Rm 109 | 3 Hours
In Queer Phenomenology Orientations, Objects, Others, Sara Ahmed retools the term, “queer,” to describe how someone can shift their orientation to avail new perspectives that traverse their adjusted sight line. In metaphor, this Honors Section of Introduction to Contemporary Dance (DANC 100) sets out to “queer” African American vernacular forms and concert dance performance by exploring their potential for social resistance. The lectures/seminars take a critical look at how selected African American dance forms including but not limited to plantation dances (ring shout), hip hop, and Black queer dance styles, offer a liminal space for Black people to “disidentify” with the hegemony that surrounds them and how these forms continue to dismantle racist ideologies in contemporary choreographies. Students’ movement experiences in the labs will draw on the Umfundalai contemporary African Dance technique, choreography workshops, and specific African Diasporic movement practices taught by guest instructors. By the end of the course, students will have created and performed their dances of resistance.
*This course has been approved by campus the General Education requirements in Humanities: Literature and the Arts and in Cultural Studies: Western Cultures.
Instructor: C. Kemal Nance is a performer, choreographer, and scholar of African Diasporan Dance. Attendees at the Colloquium of Black Arts in Bahia, Salvador knighted him “Kibon” – the name of a Brazilian ice cream to reflect the “delicious time“ they experienced in his movement class. Before moving to Illinois, Nance performed as a principal dancer with Kariamu & Company: Traditions (Philadelphia, PA) and as a recurring guest artist with Chuck Davis’ African American Dance Ensemble (AADE) in Durham, North Carolina. He currently directs the Nance Dance Collective, an all male dance initiative that produces dance works about Black manhood. His latest work, Red, features a combined cast of dancers from the Nance Dance Collective and the Stella Maris Dance Ensemble and will be premiered in Kingston, Jamaica in November. Nance is a master teacher of the Umfundalai technique of African dance, a founding member of the National Association of American African Dance Teachers, and an Executive Board Member of the Collegium of African Diaspora Dance. He has recently published a chapter about men’s experiences in Umfundalai technique classes in Karen Bond’s Dance and the Quality of Life and as two chapters in the soon to be released African Dance in America: Perpetual Motion and Hot Feet.
ECON 102 CHP: Microeconomic Principles, Martin Perry, Ph.D.
63021 | TR | 11:00 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. | 111 DKH | 3 Hours
This course focuses on the fundamental concepts and analysis of microeconomics, including supply and demand, the price mechanism, costs and revenues, theories of the firm, market structures, factor and resource markets, market failure and the impact of government in promoting economic efficiency. The course examines economic decision-making by individuals and firms and encourages students to apply microeconomic tools to current economic policy problems and issues such as pollution, rent controls, farm subsidies and welfare policies.
Upon completion of the course, a student will:
- have a strong foundation in the theory and concepts of microeconomics
- make connections between real world and academic economics
- understand the relationship between conceptual and pragmatic applications of economics to the economic behavior of the “representative” individual, product, firm, market, price, etc.
- know how to apply the tools of microtheory to policy problems and issues such as global warming, pollution, health care, and government subsidies.
*This course has been approved by campus for the General Education requirement for Social and Behavioral Sciences: Social Science*
**This course is currently full. Contact Anne Price at aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**
Instructor: Martin Perry is Department Head and Professor of Economics. Dr. Perry specializes in the antitrust analysis of mergers and vertical restraints. Before joining the University of Illinois in 2011, Dr. Perry served as Professor of Economics at Rutgers University in New Jersey since 1989. In addition, Dr. Perry held positions in research groups at Bell Telephone Laboratories and Bell Communications Research; has visited the Wharton School of Management at the University of Pennsylvania; and is a Research Affiliate at the Institute of Economic Analysis in Spain. During 2004, Dr. Perry served as the Chief Economist of the Federal Communications Commission. In that position, he worked on the investigation of the merger between Cingular Wireless and AWE Wireless. Dr. Perry has consulted for federal and state agencies on mergers in various industrial product markets and the casino gaming market in Atlantic City. Dr. Perry has also consulted on private antitrust cases involving aftermarket pricing, exclusive dealing, price discrimination and casino gaming.
ENGL 199 JH: Why Do We Love Horror?, James Hansen, Ph.D.
78139 | TR 12:30-1:50 PM | 212 Honors | 3 Hours
Have you ever asked yourself: “Why do I like to be frightened?” When the novel came into being in the in middle of the eighteenth century, its most popular genre was the Gothic— the novel of horror. In fact, the modern era—the era of science, reason, and democracy— has been obsessed with terror, fear, and the unknown since its very inception. So, why do we like to be terrified? What is it about scary stories that so appeals to modern culture? Perhaps we avoid delving into such questions because they reveal to us that our pleasures often seem woefully uncivilized and terribly unseemly. Beginning with one of the earliest Gothic horror novels, the course will trace out a literary, philosophical, and filmic history. Each unit of the course will explore how a different psychological/cultural concept of terror plays out in an aesthetic context.
Since this is a writing-intensive course, we will focus on developing critical skills for writing about literature: close reading, analysis, research, organization, and style. Throughout the semester, we will discuss strategies for developing a solid paper, research techniques, methods of discerning and accommodating different audiences, and approaches to effectively synthesizing and analyzing source material, as well as improving organizational and grammatical skills. Assignments will include two short essays, a film review, and a Final Exam.
*This course has been petitioned and approved by all colleges for General Education credits for Humanities and the Arts: Literature and Philosophical Perspectives, and for Cultural Studies: Western/Comparative Cultures*
**This course is currently full. Contact Anne Price at aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**
Instructor: James Hansen is Associate Professor of English, and a winner of the Humanities Council Teaching Excellence Award from the University of Illinois. He has regularly been on the University-wide List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent. Over the years, his teaching has spanned a good deal of the literature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and has investigated a range of literary theoretical approaches. In addition to classes such as “Beckett’s Late Theatre” and “The Gothic Tradition from Radcliffe to Gaiman,” which relate directly to his research, Prof. Hansen has taught undergraduate courses on conspiracy theory films and fiction, on the history of the graphic novel, and on filmmakers such as Alfred Hitchcock and Christopher Nolan.
EPOL 199 CH: Educational Policy and Racial Equity, Rachel Roegman, Ph.D.
77330 | TR | 9:00 – 10:20 a.m. | 212 Honors | 3 Hours
This course provides students with an opportunity to study both historical and contemporary perspectives on education policy and its impact on racial equity. We begin by unpacking the complex policy landscape of P-20 education in the United States, and then use desegregation as a case study that unpacks the challenges and possibilities of policy as a mechanism to leverage racial equity.
Students will learn to:
- understand the policy-making process in P-20 education systems.
- understand the complexity of policy-making across P-20 schooling in the United States.
- understand how sociopolitical contexts influence policy.
- examine desegregation from historical and current perspectives, with attention to race, language, and disability status.
- reflect on their own education in relation to issues of racial disparities and segregation.
- evaluate the possibilities and challenges of education policy in creating racially equitable schooling.
*This course has been petitioned and approved by all colleges for General Education credit for Social and Behavioral Sciences: Social Science*
Instructor: Rachel Roegman is Associate Professor in the Department of Education Policy, Organization and Leadership. Her research interests examine the interconnections of equity, contexts, and leadership, and her work focuses on the development and support of equity-focused leaders. She received her EDD. in Curriculum & Teaching at Teachers College, Columbia University in 2014. She received her M.A. in Teaching at University of San Francisco in 2001, and her B.A. in Comparative Literature and Judaic Studies at Brown University in 1998.
FAA 110D: Exploring Arts and Creativity, Bradley Mehrtens, M.S., J. W. Morrissette, MFA, MA
66964 | R | 1:30 – 2:50 p.m. | TBA | 3 Hours
High and street art, tradition and experimentation, the familiar and unfamiliar, international and American creativity provide this course’s foundation. Students attend performances and exhibitions, interact with artists, and examine core issues associated with the creative process in our increasingly complex global society. Faculty from the arts, sciences, humanities, and other domains lead students through visual arts, music, dance, and theatre experiences on campus to spark investigation and dialogue.
The class meets twice per week: once a week for discussions, and a second time to attend performances and/or exhibitions at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts and/or Krannert Art Museum. Event dates will vary. Admission to all events will be provided without charge to students enrolled in the course.
*This course has been approved by campus for the General Education requirement for Humanities & Arts: Literature and the Arts.*
Instructor: Bradley Mehrtens is Instructor and Advisor in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology. He earned the Bachelor’s degree in biology from Truman State University, and the Master’s in microbiology from Illinois. His research interests include educational pedagogy, course design, and assessment. His advising interests include transitions for freshmen and transfer students, preparing for professional or graduate programs, understanding the undergraduate research experience, and acknowledging and addressing academic or personal issues. As for hobbies, he enjoys acting, theatre, movies, music, and sports.
Instructor: J.W. Morrissette is the Associate Head of the Department of Theatre and Teaching Professor. He has served as chair of the BFA Theatre Studies Program, and as Assistant Head for Academic Programs as well as as the assistant program coordinator for INNER VOICES Social Issues Theatre. He completed his BFA in Acting at Otterbein College in Westerville, OH and both his MFA in Acting and MA in Theatre History at the University of Illinois. Prof. Morrissette has taught and directed for the past 22 years with the summer Theatre Department at Interlochen Center for the Arts. For the University of Illinois his classes include Acting, Directing, Introduction to Theatre Arts, and Broadway Musicals. He has spent several summers acting with the Utah Shakespeare Festival and the Interlochen Shakespeare Festival and directs professionally when time allows. He has received the Provost’s Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award at the University of Illinois.
FIN 199 HON: Finance for Non-Finance Majors, Richard Excell, MBA
39678 | TR | 2:00-3:20 p.m. | 1029C BIF | 3 Hours
This class introduces central concepts of Finance to non-Business majors. The purpose of the class is to prepare students for their lives after they graduate. You will learn how overall financial markets function, looking at each asset class, and this will help you as begin to save and invest for retirement. We discuss the concepts of the time value of money and discounted cash flows: important when considering whether to pay cash or pay credit, whether to buy or to rent, and whether to borrow or to lend. Finally, you will learn to write a business plan and gain practice presenting that to potential investors.
*This course has been petitioned and approved by all colleges for General Education credit for Quantitative Reasoning I*
**This course is currently full. Contact Anne Price at aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**
Instructor: Richard Excell is Clinical Assistant Professor of Finance in the Gies College of Business. He has recently retired as a Senior Portfolio Manager at Wolverine Asset Management in Chicago, where he ran a global equity long/short hedge fund portfolio.
Excell holds a B.S. in Finance with a minor in Accounting and Japanese Studies from the University of Illinois and an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago. He was a member of the inaugural Campus Honors Program class. He became a CFA® charter holder in 1999 while living in Singapore and became a CMT charter holder in 2018. He is on the Board of Directors of the CFA Society Chicago and serves on the Education Advisory Group and Communications. Outside of work, he is Director of the Western Golf Association/Evans Scholars Foundation and a board member of the Bright Promises Foundation in Chicago.
FSHN 199 CHP: Nutrition and Health, Hannah Holscher, Ph.D., R.D.
54313 | TR | 12:30-1:50 PM | 105 Bevier | 3 Hours
This course provides an overview of how foods influence health and disease. Students will develop broad knowledge in nutrition and the application of this knowledge to promote health across the lifespan. The overarching objectives of the course are to provide students with opportunities to 1) discuss foundational knowledge in nutrition and 2) develop and refine skills that are necessary to critically evaluate nutrition and health claims. Class sessions include a combination of lecture and problem-based learning group activities that allow students to apply information to real life examples. Course projects provide students with opportunities to evaluate their diet, develop a critical and reflective orientation toward cultural differences and how they influence health, and immerse themselves in the challenges of living with the chronic disease by reading a memoir of someone experiencing it. Lastly, students explore and evaluate research studies that serve as the basis for nutritional recommendations for the treatment or prevention of a selected disease, and create a unique project to summarize and share their findings with the class.
*This course has been petitioned and approved by all colleges for General Education credit for Natural Sciences and Technology: Life Sciences*
Instructor: Hannah Holscher is Assistant Professor of Nutrition in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition. Her research laboratory studies the connections between diet, the gut microbiota, and health. Her work informs dietary recommendations to improve health and well-being. Prof. Holscher received the New Innovator in Food and Agriculture Research Award from the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research in 2017. She also received the Outstanding Faculty Award from the Division of Nutritional Sciences at UIUC in 2017 and the Outstanding Educator Award from the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at UIUC in 2018.
GER 199 LJ1: Human Rights and the Politics of Memory, 1945-Present, Anna Hunt, Ph.D.
64578 | TR | 11:00 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. | 212 Honors | 3 Hours
World War II (1939-1945) marked a dramatic shift in how international communities think about trauma and remember war and other catastrophic events. Focus moved from honoring heroes on the battlefield to honoring victims, a transition described as “the ethical turn in memory culture,” or memory politics. Trauma—whether man-made or natural—and our collective response to it has become central to present-day politics and to the discourse on human rights.
This course refers to the Holocaust (1941-1945) as foundational to modern memory politics. Although Germany is not the first country to perpetrate genocide, discussions in and about Germany have been crucial to political and cultural attempts around the globe to honor victims, to weigh testimony and witnessing properly, and to figure out how to respond to trauma without engaging in “competition” among different victimized groups.
The class centers the experiences of four minority groups in US culture and their transnational connection to Germany: Jewish exiles and survivors in the U.S. after the Holocaust, homosexual exiles and survivors, artists, and activists of the Afro-German movement. Students will become conversant in central issues around human rights, memory politics, and trauma response.
*This course has been petitioned and approved by all colleges for General Education credits for Cultural Studies: U.S. Minority Cultures and for Humanities and the Arts: Literature and the Arts*
**This course is currently full. Contact Anne Price at aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**
Instructor: Anna Hunt is Assistant Professor in the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures. She received the B.A. from Reed College and the M.A. and Ph.D. from Yale University. Her work focuses on forgiveness, ethics, and the history of morality. In German studies, she works specifically on authors and philosophers of the Frankfurt School and on the history of the Holocaust and post-Holocaust memory discourses.
HIST 100: The First Global Age and the History of Skin, 1200-1800, Craig Koslofsky, Ph.D.
38848 | MW | 2:00-3:20 | Honors Classroom| 3 Hours
In this course we will study the world from the thirteenth through the early nineteenth century (from the Mongol Empire to the Haitian Revolution). This was the first global age, when trade, conquest, and colonization connected all parts of the world as never before. By 1800, all large areas of human settlement and culture everywhere on Earth interacted with one another biologically, economically, and culturally. Human skin was fundamental to these new interactions. Skin diseases, ways of marking skin (such as branding and tattoo), and new scientific ways of understanding skin circled the globe in this period. As a research theme, skin will help connect and focus the sweep of global history covered in this course.
**This course has been approved by campus for the general education requirements for Cultural Studies: Non-Western and Humanities: Historical & Philosophical Perspectives.**
Instructror: Craig Koslofsky is Professor of History and Germanic Languages and Literatures. He has written books about the nighttime (Evening’s Empire: A History of the Night in Early Modern Europe) and death (The Reformation of the Dead: Death and Ritual in Early Modern Germany, 1450–1700). Most recently, he has co-edited a book on Stigma: Marking Skin in the Early Modern World. His interest in the history of everyday life connects these seemingly strange research topics, and whether he is teaching global history, British history, or the history of early modern Europe, everyday life is always up for discussion.
KIN 340 SP1: Sociology & Psychology of Physical Activity, Steven Petruzzello, Ph.D.
64961 | TR | 1:00 – 2:20 p.m. | 130 Freer Hall | 3 Hours
This class acquaints you with how psychological and social processes and constraints influence human action in physical activity environments. The course uses both lecture and laboratory/discussion formats, with ample opportunity for interaction and discussion between professor and students and among yourselves. There may be occasional guest lectures. You, as the student, should feel free (and are strongly encouraged) to ask questions, take alternate viewpoints, present supportive arguments for statements, and generally make yourself a presence in the class. This cannot be emphasized enough. Keeping your insights and ideas to yourself will deprive us all of potentially illuminating, interesting, and useful information.
I (Prof. Petruzzello) believe in the following statement by Socrates: “I cannot teach anybody anything; I can only make them think.” From you I expect: (a) commitment to excellence (that is, I don’t want you to overlook other important aspects of your life, but I do expect you to do work, spend the time, and do the reading and writing (and thus, thinking) necessary to be successful in this course); (b) self-motivation; and (c) initiative and critical thought. If you leave my classroom and have acquired a stronger ability to think, I will have done my job.
*This course has been approved by campus for the General Education requirement for Advanced Composition*
Instructor: Steven Petruzzello is a Professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Community Health. He received his Ph.D. in Exercise Science, Psychology of Exercise and Sport from Arizona State University in 1991. He began his career at UIUC in 1991 and has served as the Associate Head for Graduate Studies, Department of Kinesiology & Community Health since 2011. He has also been a Research Scientist for the Illinois Fire Service Institute since 2005. Professor Petruzzello’s research focuses on determining the mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of exercise in improving affect/emotion. The second line of research examines the physiological and psychological aspects of firefighting. Professor Petruzzello has been awarded the College of Applied Health Sciences Undergraduate Teaching Faculty Award, the Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, and has consistently been named to the List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent.
LAW 306 JP: The American Criminal Justice System, Jennifer Pahre, J.D.
78259 | MW | 3:00-4:15 p.m. | Law Bldg, Room K | 3 Hours
This course focuses on the operation of the criminal justice system in the United States.
The words “the justice system” broadly describe the laws that regulate society, and the law enforcement and court units that function throughout the nation at the federal, state, and municipal levels.
Focusing on criminal law, we will learn how the state and federal systems differ; the roles that law enforcement personnel, investigators, judges, attorneys, and other people play in the system; and the process that moves cases through the courts. We will meet with key legal professionals, including judges, prosecutors, and public defenders, and talk with them about what they do and what they see as the challenges and opportunities in their work. We will also explore the substantive law and review the rules of criminal procedural law and the key cases that have established that law.
In addition, we will learn about the role that poverty and mental illness plays in the justice system, and note the special problems that arise when juveniles commit crimes. Finally, we will explore a variety of controversies that have plagued the justice system through the years, and we will consider how well our society has responded.
*This course has been petitioned and approved by all colleges for Social & Behavioral Sciences: Social Science general education credit*
**This course is currently full. Contact Anne Price at aeprice@illinois.edu to be added to the waitlist**
Instructor: Jennifer Pahre is Teaching Associate Professor in the College of Law. She has taught courses in insurance law, constitutional law, remedies, and evidence. She oversaw the Legal Externship Program for 15 years, and then became the College of Law’s first Director of Undergraduate Studies. Working with other faculty from other campus units, she created the Legal Studies Minor, and she now teaches two of the core classes in the minor.
Jennifer Pahre was awarded her bachelor’s degree from Stanford University with dual majors in international relations and German studies and was inducted into the Pi Sigma Alpha International Relations Honors Society. She earned her JD degree from Loyola Law School of Los Angeles, where she was the chief note and comment editor of the Loyola International and Comparative Law Review.
Professor Pahre is admitted to the state bars of California, Michigan, and Illinois and has practiced law in all three states. In addition, she is admitted to practice in the Sixth and Ninth Circuits of the United States Court of Appeals; in the United States District Courts of the Central, Northern, and Southern Districts of California; in the United States District Courts of the Eastern and Western Districts of Michigan; and in the United States District Courts of the Central and Northern Districts of Illinois.
LER 199 IR2: Immigration & Race: Inequality in Work, Michael LeRoy, JD
70463 | T | 3:30 – 5:50 p.m. | 51 ILIR | 3 Hours
Throughout U.S. history, whites have erected legal barriers to racial equality in the workplace. This course examines public policies, drawn from the U.S. Constitution, laws, court rulings, executive orders and related policy directives that have led to inequality in work. Our weekly readings will examine these topics:
- Constitutional debates, admission of free and slave states, and related court rulings that maintained and enhanced slavery as well as inferior legal status for free blacks.
- Public policy debates over “compassionate” repatriation of blacks to Liberia, and the presumption that whites and blacks are inherently incapable of working side-by- side.
- Court rulings declaring that slaves and peons are property or of such inferior legal status as to deny those individuals basic human rights of liberty and equality; and protests, revolts, and other organized resistance by slaves and people of color.
- Radical Republicans, Reconstruction, and the Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses.
- The rise of the Ku Klux Klan, white terrorism, quasi-slavery, and sharecropping; and passage of the Ku Klux Klan Act.
- Chinese immigration and “Yellow Fever”; and the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.
- Legal dismantling of the Ku Klux Klan Act and emergence of Jim Crow.
- Japanese and pan-Asian immigration restrictions; the National Origins Formula.
- Labor unions and the reborn KKK: The segregated workplace.
- The Two Faces of FDR: Japanese Internment and Executive Order 8802 (ordering integration of U.S. industrial plants).
- Legislating racial equality in the workplace, 1964-2016: Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.
- White Supremacy and Nativism in the Age of Trump.
*This course has been petitioned and approved by all colleges for General Education credit for Cultural Studies: U.S. Minority Cultures*
Instructor: Michael LeRoy has published extensively on antitrust in professional sports, immigration, race, and employment policy (in particular, the “gig economy”), strikes and lockouts, voluntary and mandatory arbitration, employee involvement teams, and labor law implications stemming from national emergencies. Professor LeRoy has testified before the full U.S. Senate Committee on labor and human resources; consulted at the request of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers in connection with the Taft-Hartley labor dispute involving Pacific Maritime Association and International Longshore and Warehouse Union; and served as an advisor to the President’s Commission on the United States Postal Service.
SOCW 245A: Doing Good for Society through the Non-Profit Sector, Ben Lough, Ph.D.
73423 | TR | 9:00 – 10:15 a.m. | TBA | 3 Hours
Do you want to change the world? Are you passionate about addressing homelessness, sexual violence, or environmental problems? Do you volunteer or make donations to charities? Want to create new solutions to social problems? Much of this happens in the nonprofit sector, yet most people know little about it. The nonprofit sector, also called the non-governmental or voluntary sector, employs around 10% of the US workforce and covers nearly 9% of all wages and salaries in the US economy. Nonprofit organizations meet needs not covered by business or government, provide many important resources that help people in need, and greatly enrich our lives through the arts. This course provides a general overview of the benefits and challenges of this critical sector.
*This course satisfies the General Education credit for Social and Behavioral Sciences: Social Science*
Instructor: Benjamin Lough is Professor of Social Work and Business Administration, and is the Director of Social Innovation in the Gies College of Business. He earned the BS in Sociology and the MSW from Brigham Young University, and the PhD from the Brown School at Washington University. Dr. Lough has extensive international research and practice experience, having worked as a Senior Researcher and Resident Consultant to the United Nations in Germany, a Foreign Expert in the People’s Republic of China, an independent consultant to the Department of Human and Social Services of American Samoa, and program evaluator for the Foundation for International and Community Assistance in Armenia and the Republic of Georgia. In addition to considerable research and teaching experience, Dr. Lough also worked as a clinical social worker.