A Commitment to Inclusion and Community
The Campus Honors Program is committed to inclusion and to actively recruiting students and faculty with diverse socioeconomic, racial, and ethnic backgrounds, varied able-bodiedness, learning challenges, sexual orientations, and gender identities. We strive to provide support tools for first-generation college students as well. We are working with campus leadership and with organizations beyond the University to make progress toward an ever more representative and inclusive program.
CHP is an “overlapping community” whose students and faculty are also part of any number of other communities at Illinois (departments, residences, student organizations, etc.). By working at CHP to maximize acceptance, understanding, and broad-mindedness, we aim to enhance the quality of life in all our students’ homes across campus and beyond.
We at the University of Illinois are privileged to have access to an incredible array of educational, social, and professional opportunities. It is up to us to use those opportunities to become responsible and engaged world citizens.
At CHP, we are revising the undergraduate curriculum to contribute to students’ overall Illinois trajectory in ever more meaningful ways, and to meet the challenges of the early twenty-first century. Climate change, health and wellness, in-depth investigation of urgent issues in humanistic and scientific fields, and intercultural and international issues (whether in science, literature, film, politics, economics, or medicine) already play central roles in our course offerings, which rotate as do our faculty. We anticipate continuing to emphasize these and other high-priority areas of study in the coming years, while also building opportunities to engage with our local community and to participate in education abroad.
Additional Resources
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Relations
Open Illinois (Information for Undocumented, DACA, and those Impacted by Immigration
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Resource Center
Bruce D. Nesbitt African American Cultural Center
Asian American Cultural Center
La Casa Cultura Latina
Native American House
Women’s Resources Center