ANTH 224 H: Tourist Cities and Cites, Helaine Silverman, Ph.D.
46124 | 1:00 – 1:50 p.m. | MWF | 329 Davenport Hall | 3 Hours
This course explores the history and current practices of tourism around the world. Tourism is presented as a cultural phenomenon involving complex personal, local-national, and national-international relationships as some one billion people are brought into contact with each other annually. The academic study of tourism is necessarily a multi and interdisciplinary field, drawing on perspectives from anthropology (ethnographic perspectives on tourists and their willing or reluctant hosts, from ordinary people to the nation-state), architecture, business, communication, landscape architecture, art, advertising, geography, history, cultural studies, cultural theory, popular culture, and literature, among others. In this course students will hone their critical and imaginative powers of observation and skills of analysis through in-class discussion, written assignments, and creative presentations. No exams. Just bring a curiosity about the world. All readings are on Moodle except the three fabulous books we discuss in class, which are the basis of your book reviews.
***Campus has granted every section of this course with General Education credit for Social Sciences.***
**This course is now full. Please contact Anne Price to be added to the waitlist**
Instructor: Dr. Helaine Silverman (Department of Anthropology) has conducted many years of fieldwork in Peru with additional research in England and Thailand. Her new project is studying the tourism potential of various downstate Illinois communities based on their historic and heritage resources. She has been on the list of Teachers Ranked as Excellent many times.
ARCH 199 DDF: Architectural Design & Digital Fabrication, Erik Hemingway, M.S.
67520 | 12:00 – 12:50 p.m. | MWF | 205 Architecture Bldg. | 3 Hours
This course focuses on digitally laser cutting architectural components of an existing prototype, and the making of a chip board artefact. Interpreting the term “artefact” to mean not only the physical 3D component, but also the elaboration of the personal interpretation of the students’ core major interests in the study of its details. No prior experience in laser cutting is necessary as the process of the semester allows for experimentation with small chip board assemblies, culminating with the final semester outcome in 9 x 12 x 1.5 inches.
***This course will not be petitioned for general education credit this term.***
Instructor: Erik Hemingway is an Associate Professor of Design in the Illinois School of Architecture at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. With over two decades of design experience as Principal of the award winning design firm hemingway+a/studio, his projects have been recognized in such publications as Architecture, Architectural Record, Dwell, Global Architecture and *Surface. Before coming to Illinois, he taught design at the University of California at Berkeley, Lawrence Technological University, and Louisiana State University as the Nadine Carter Russell Endowed Chair.
His academic studios are engaged with design competitions as a medium of entrepreneurial critical practice and material experimentation. As the Faculty Sponsor for his students’ design work, they have resulted in over twenty recognitions for global issues ranging from the United Nations on Aging, Barcelona Collective Housing, Steel Design, Preservation as Provocation, Socio Design Foundation, Architecture that Reacts, and a Modular School for Burmese Refugees. Two built projects from his seminar material work, Mundane were published in Exploring Materials by Princeton Architectural Press.
ARCH 199 KH: Architecture & the Built Environment, Kevin Hinders, M. Arch
55437 | 2:00 – 3:20 p.m. | TR | 315 Temple Buell Hall | 3 Hours
This course seeks to introduce students to the role of the architect in the creation of the built environment. The course has three interactive areas: site visits to selected structures and spaces; readings and lectures; and creative spatial design which allows students the opportunity to explore the design process. This course is planned for non-majors interested in the built environment. The class will meet twice a week. Typically the first class period will be a visit to a work or works of Architecture on or around the UIUC campus and surrounding area. Visits will address a variety of issues as they affect the design process. These issues inevitably determine architectural form. They include such varied phenomena as structure, cultural values, traditions, innovations and mechanical systems, to name a few. The second class period each week will involve learning more about the design process and will allow for exploration into the creative, synthesis process.
***This course has been approved by all colleges for general education credits for Literature & the Arts and Cultural Studies: Western Cultures.***
**This course is now full. Please contact Anne Price to be added to the waitlist**
Instructor: Kevin Hinders, Associate Professor in Architecture, has taught at the University of Illinois since 1990. He has taught at every level in the graduate and undergraduate design studio curriculum. He is a practicing architect and coordinates the Chicago Studio for the School of Architecture. His research interests are in urban design, digital technology and the design process.
ART 199 BT2: Design in Glass: Glass Fusing Basics, Billie Jean Theide, MFA
12125 | 9:30a.m. – 12:10 p.m. | TR | Architecture Annex 221 | 3 Hours
Glass Fusing Basics introduces students to the elements, principles, and processes of design in the making of plates and vessels using kiln-formed glass. Design, cutting, fusing, and slumping glass techniques will be taught and use of decals, drawing and painting, text, etching and sandblasting, carving, and pte de verre will be explored. The course will include fieldtrips to the studios of practicing craft artists and visits to Krannert Art Museum and local art galleries. No prior experience is necessary to excel in this 3.0 credit hour class.
**There is a course materials fee for this course.**
***This course will not be petitioned for general education credit this term.***
Instructor: Professor Billie Jean Theide is Chair of the Metal Program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In 2010, Professor Theide received one of five campus awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching presented by the Provost’s Office. She is the recipient of a 1984-85 National Endowment for the Arts Visual Arts Fellowship and 2005-06, 2001-02, 1998-99, 1988-89 and 1992-93 Artists Fellowship Grants from the Illinois Arts Council. Her creative work in metal has been included in numerous national and international exhibitions and is in the permanent collections of the American Craft Museum in New York, Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, DC, Evansville Museum of Art in Indiana, Umeleckoprumyslove Museum (Museum of Decorative Arts) in Prague, Czech Republic, Sanford M. Besser Collection in Santa Fe, and Sonny and Gloria Kamm Collection in Los Angeles. She is a Distinguished Member and past President of the Society of North American Goldsmiths.
ASTR 330 CH: Extraterrestrial Life, Leslie Looney, Ph.D.
48580 | 8:30 – 9:50 p.m. | TR | 124 Observatory | 3 Hours
More than half of all Americans believe in aliens, but what do we really know about ET life? In the last 15 years we have gone from knowledge of only 8 planets around only our Sun to nearly 4000 planets around many suns. In the near future, NASA will have missions that may find signs of life on Titan, under the oceans of Europa, evidence of life on Mars, or even imaging of Earth-like planets around nearby stars. In this course, we will examine the current status of one of the ultimate questions (“Are we alone?”), and perhaps raise some new ones. We are searching for signals from ET today, but if we do detect a signal what do we do? Why do “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence?” What are the problems with interstellar travel? The class will dive into many fields ranging from cosmology to anthropology with a little science fiction thrown in for fun and speculation.
***This course will not be petitioned for general education credit.***
**This course is now full. Please contact Anne Price to be added to the waitlist**
Instructor: Leslie Looney is a professor of Astronomy. With an undergraduate in Electrical Engineering and Physics, he worked as a system engineer at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center for the Space Shuttle’s digital processing system (i.e., computers, interfaces, and software) launching shuttles. He obtained a Ph.D. in astrophysics in 1998. Leslie’s main research topic is the early stages of star formation. In particular, he studies the circumstellar disk surrounding young protostars; these disks are thought to be the natal environment of planets. He’s discovered many new worlds and new stars. As protostars form in dense clouds of gas and dust, Leslie uses some of the world’s most sensitive telescopes operating from infrared to millimeter wavelengths.
CHP 199 ON: Immigration: A Global Phenomenon with Local Implications, Giocanda Guerra Perez, Ph.D.
67744 | 12:30 – 1:50 p.m. | MW | 212 Honors | 3 Hours
The course will provide a historical perspective on the issue of immigration and discuss immigration to the U.S. and its historical implications (voluntary immigration, involuntary immigration, forced immigration). We will study the Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA) from 1790 to 2017 and review some immigration laws and policies. Current immigration policies and how non-U.S. citizens are affected, immigration issues in the context of K-16, refugees and asylum and DACA/undocumented immigrants will also be studied.
***This course has been approved by all colleges for general education credit for Cultural Studies: Non-Western Cultures or U.S. Minority Cultures***
**This course is now full. Please contact Anne Price to be added to the waitlist**
Instructor: Born and raised in Panama, Gioconda Perez joined La Casa in August 2013. Before joining La Casa, she served as visiting assistant professor in the School of Education and as Socio-Cultural specialist for the New Neighbors Center at Indiana University Southeast. She has taught courses on Multicultural Education, Current Social Issues in Education, and Intercultural Relations. She has developed professional development workshops on issues related to institutional barriers affecting Latino/a college students; undocumented/DACA students: policies and practices; as well as intersectionality & identity. She has developed curricula for K-12 schools to work with Latino families and English Language Learners (ELL). She has provided professional development for K-12 teachers on issues related to ELL and Latino/a students and their cultures. She received a M.A. in Sociology and Communication and a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Organizational Development from the University of Louisville. She attended the Universidad de Panam, Panama where she studied Journalism. Her professional and personal interest has been finding ways to help Latino/a students achieve higher education.
CLCV 230A: Ancient Engineering, Brett Kaufman, Ph.D.
70180 | 11:00 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. | TR | 212 Honors House | 3 Hours
Have you ever looked at an old bridge or an artifact in a museum and been impressed that the builder was able to craft it, understanding that even today most of us could not replicate the builder’s efforts? Technologies are the result of compounded science – years, decades, and centuries of experimentation, entrepreneurship, and incremental successes. For example, prehistoric smiths first recognized that ores could be reduced to copper metal, and thousands of years later, innovators realized that this same metal could conduct electricity. Both inventions revolutionized society in their time, and continue to impact us every day. In this course, we will not only study ancient technologies and paleo science, but will employ state-of-the-art materials science laboratory techniques to study artifacts recovered from archaeological excavations. By engaging directly with the materials of the past, we will generate knowledge rooted in historical sciences, while gaining an appreciation of the social processes underlying the very design principles that are still used by engineers today.**This course is now full. Please contact Anne Price to be added to the waitlist**
***This course fulfills general education credit for Natural Sciences & Technology – Physical Sciences and Cultural Studies – Western.***
Instructor: Brett Kaufman is an assistant professor in the Department of the Classics, joining the Illinois faculty in 2018. He is an archaeologist specializing in the Mediterranean and Near East, ancient engineering and design, the formation and maintenance of sociopolitical hierarchy, and reconstructing ecological management strategies of ancient and historical societies. He has directed or supervised archaeological excavations in Tunisia, China, Italy, Israel, and New York. He received a BA from Brandeis University, and a MA and PhD from the University of California, Los Angeles. Prior to joining UIUC Classics, he held a postdoctoral fellowship at Brown University and a faculty appointment at the University of Science and Technology Beijing where he still maintains a visiting affiliation. His research has been supported by grants from the National Science Foundation, the National Geographic Society, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
ECON 103 CHP: Macroeconomic Principles, Stephen Parente, Ph.D.
62176 | 12:30 – 1:50 p.m. | MW | 111 DKH | 3 Hours
Macroeconomics is the branch of economics that examines the aggregate behaviors of firms, consumers and government and their implications for an economy’s output, employment, inflation and interest rates. This is done within the context of business cycles, i.e., the short-run, and in the context of economic growth, i.e., the long-run. After taking the course, the student should have a thorough understanding of the data that underlies macroeconomic analysis and be able to evaluate government policies that are intended to either smooth out the business cycle or grow the economy. As an honor’s course, added attention will be given to current policy debates such as the 2007-2009 Great Recession, social security, soaring public debt, China’s growth miracle, Brexit and Grexit.
**This course is now full. Please contact Anne Price to be added to the waitlist**
***Campus has granted every section of this course with general education credit for Social & Behavioral Sciences: Social Sciences.***
Instructor: Stephen L. Parente is an associate professor of economics at the University of Illinois. Professor Parente earned his B.A. in mathematics from the College of the Holy Cross in 1984 and his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Minnesota in 1990. Since receiving his Ph.D., he has taught at Georgetown University, Northeastern University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Illinois. He is an affiliate of the Center for North and South Research (CRENoS) located at the University of Cagliari, as well as the Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Group based at the University of Chicago. He has served as an assistant editor for Economic Theory and is a member of the Society for Economic Dynamics. Dr. Parente’s research primarily seeks to understand why some countries are so much richer than others. While most of his research fits squarely in the field of development and growth, some overlaps with the fields of international trade and political economy. He has written over 20 articles on this subject, many of which have appeared in the top professional journals such as The American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, and Journal of Economic Theory. He has also coauthored a book on this subject with Nobel Laureate Edward C. Prescott titled, The Barriers to Riches, which has been translated into French, Italian and Chinese. His work is heavily cited both within academic and non-academic circles. He is listed as being in the top 5 percent of authors among 18 categories on RePEc, including distinct works weighted by impact, number of citations, and average rank score. His work has been discussed in newspapers and magazines such as The New York Times, Business Week, The Wall Street Journal and The London Financial Times, and by government officials such as Singapore’s Minister of Manpower in policy speeches.
ENGL 199 CHP: Shakespeare & His Audiences, Andrea Stevens, Ph.D.
57256 | 11:00 – 11:50 a.m. | MWF | 212 Honors | 3 Hours
We all know the role Shakespeare continues to occupy within the Western canon. In this seminar, I would have us set aside Shakespeare’s formidable reputation as the “greatest writer in the history of English literature” and instead concentrate on Shakespeare the actor and playwright who made his considerable living writing for the London professional theater from roughly 1580 to 1611. The city of London, Shakespeare’s fellow actors, the physical spaces of the Globe and the Blackfriars playhouses, and any number of material and cultural factors—props, music, special effects, audience expectations—shaped the plays Shakespeare wrote and consequently inform the printed play editions that we now read. Our study of Shakespearean “original practices”—the key theatrical conventions and staging conditions that existed in Shakespeare’s time—will allow us to see Shakespeare’s plays as living documents intended for performance. Emphases will include an attention to the plays in their earliest moment of composition, rehearsal, performance, publication, and reception, as well as to the production histories of Shakespeare’s plays. This focus on production history will take us from Shakespeare’s time up to the present moment: that is, many of Shakespeare’s plays have been in continuous production for 400 years, including recent popular film adaptations, and not just in the English-speaking West. What does this history of performance, adaptation, and revision tell us? Do the plays continue to offer us insight into the social world we ourselves inhabit, or indeed offer us possible scripts for living? Do we find any of Shakespeare’s plays to be “exhausted”?
***This course has been approved by all colleges for general education credit for Humanities & the Arts***
Instructor: Specializing in the drama of Shakespeare and his contemporaries, Andrea Stevens is Associate Professor of English, Theatre, and Medieval Studies and the current Director of Undergraduate Studies, department of English. She is the author of Inventions of the Skin: The Painted Body in Early English Drama and her work appears in a variety of journals and essay collections. Current projects include an edition of William Heminge’s 1639 tragedy The Fatal Contract (forthcoming Routledge, 2020); and two book-length studies, one titled Racial Masquerade at the Caroline Court and the other Shakespeare and the Performance of the Commonplace. She has served as dramaturg and/or adapter for several KCPA Shakespeare productions, most recently Titus Andronicus (October 2019). In 2015 she received UIUC’s Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and the Lynn M. Martin Award for Distinguished Women Teachers in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
EPSY 199A: Understanding Adolescent Development Through Middle Grades Fiction, Chris Napolitano, Ph.D.
46232 | 12:30 – 1:50 p.m. | TR | 212 Honors | 3 hours
Is adolescence inevitably a period of “storm and stress?” Are all adolescents bound to rebel against their parents, challenge social norms, and engage in problem behaviors? In this class, we complicate popular (and inaccurate) perceptions of adolescence. Students will complete this course with an understanding of the dynamic changes that take place during adolescence across four core developmental concepts: identity, autonomy, intimacy, and achievement. We explore each of these concepts along three core tracks: (1) deeply debating contemporary theoretical and conceptual work; (2) unpacking contemporary empirical research; and (3) closely reading popular middle grades fiction novels written for adolescents. This seminar also presents a unique opportunity for students to interview active middle-grades fiction writers during seminar meetings to better understand how they integrate adolescent concepts into their books. To conclude the seminar, students will link information from theories and research by selecting a middle grades (or young adult) fiction book and leading a discussion on that book’s core adolescent developmental concepts and the contemporary research. In addition to these learning goals, students will also complete coursework designed to sharpen various academic and professional skills. Assignments will involve presenting, writing, discussing, and integrating knowledge across several disciplines. In short, active participation in this course will provide students with a modern view on adolescent development, how it is studied, and how it is shaped into evocative and educational fiction for adolescents themselves.**This course is now full. Please contact Anne Price to be added to the waitlist*****This course has been approved by all colleges for general education credits for Social and Behavioral Sciences: Social Sciences and Behavioral Sciences.***
Instructor: Chris Napolitano is a life-span developmental psychologist. His primary research interest is in the development of adaptive self-regulatory action across the life span, and how to best translate this research into programs that promote positive development. His work explores how people produce their development through striving for dynamic, unpredictable goals, and is now particularly focused on the self-regulatory actions that maximize gains from unexpected, positive events and the actions that often minimize losses from expected shortcomings.
Chris was trained at Tufts University’s Institute for Applied Research in Youth Development. At Tufts, he worked on the 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development and Project GPS, a mentoring-based intervention to promote adolescent self-regulation. In August 2017, he became an Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology (Developmental and Counseling divisions) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a Research Assistant Professor at the University of Zurich in the Developmental Psychology: Adulthood lab.
FAA 110D: Exploring Arts and Creativity, J.W. Morrissette and Brad Mehrtens
60872 | 1:30 – 2:50 p.m. | R | 3601 KCPA | 3 Hours
High and street art, tradition and experimentation, the familiar and unfamiliar, international and American creativity provide this course’s foundation. Students will attend performances and exhibitions, interact with artists, and examine core issues associated with the creative process in our increasingly complex global society. Faculty from the arts, sciences, humanities, and other domains will lead students through visual arts, music, dance, and theatre experiences at Krannert Center and Krannert Art Museum to spark investigation and dialogue. The class meets twice per week: once a week for discussions, and a second time to attend performances and/or exhibitions at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts and/or Krannert Art Museum. Event dates will vary. Admission to all events will be provided without charge to students enrolled in the course.**This course is now full. Please contact Anne Price to be added to the waitlist**
***Campus has granted every section of this course for general education credit for Literature and the Arts.***
Instructor: Brad Mehrtens – Instructor and Advisor, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology. Brad earned his bachelor’s in biology from Truman State University, and his master’s in microbiology from Illinois. His research interests include educational pedagogy; course design; and assessment; his advising interests include transitions for freshmen and transfer students; preparing for professional or graduate programs; understanding the undergraduate research experience; acknowledging and addressing academic or personal issues. As for hobbies, Brad enjoys acting, theatre, movies, music, and sports.
Instructor: J.W. Morrissette – Assistant Head, Department of Theatre. J.W. has served in the Department of Theatre for 21 years. He has also served as the chair of the BFA Theatre Studies Program as well as the assistant program coordinator for Inner Voices Social Issues Theatre. He earned his BFA in Acting at Otterbein College in Westerville, Ohio, and both his MFA in Acting and MA in Theatre History at the University of Illinois. J.W. has taught and directed for the past 17 years with the summer Theatre Department at Interlochen Center for the Arts, has directed and taught at Parkland College, and teaches acting, directing, and Introduction to Theatre Arts at Illinois. He has been integral in developing components for the online course offerings in the department, as well as supervising all senior Theatre Studies Thesis Projects.
FSHN 199 TFS: Taste of Food Science, Soo-Yeun Lee, Ph.D.
65366 | 3:00 – 4:20 p.m. | TR | 122 Bevier Hall | 3 hours
Fundamentals of Food Science course with a focus on the Sensory Science sub-discipline, in which we study the human senses and use them to analyze products. Combined lecture and experiential learning activities course devoted to 1) physiological and psychological basis of human senses and perception, 2) basic sensory methodologies in food evaluation, 3) chemistry and functionality of food ingredients, and 4) processing methods in food science. Recommended to freshmen and sophomore levels.
**This course is now full. Please contact Anne Price to be added to the waitlist**
***This course has been approved by all colleges for general education credit for Natural Sciences & Technology: Life Sciences.***
Instructor: Soo-Yeun Lee (Soo) is a Professor in the department of Food Science and Human Nutrition (FSHN) in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES) at the University of Illinois. Her scholarship in the area of Sensory Science has achieved recognition by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) with the Samuel Cate Prescott Award in 2011. Her research focuses on: 1) utilizing innovative sensory methodology to develop health-targeted new product alternatives, 2) determining the factors that characterizes picky eating, and 3) identifying strategies to reduce sodium in foods without compromising sensory acceptability. She has published over 60 peer-reviewed papers and garnered over $2 Million in research grants. She has served as the Chair of the Sensory and Consumer Sciences Division of IFT, a member of the IFT Annual Meeting Scientific Programming Advisory Panel, and an Associate Editor for the Journal of Food Science. Soo has been recognized as an educator with many national and campus level teaching awards, such as the ACES Funk Award for Excellence in Teaching, UIUC Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) Teacher Fellow Award, NACTA Teaching Scholar Award, and NIFA/USDA Food and Agricultural Sciences Excellence in College and University Regional Teaching Award. She teaches undergraduate and graduate level Sensory Science courses in FSHN and ACES Honors Seminar course.
HUM 395C: American Wastelands, Pollyanna Rhee
67706 | 9:30-10:50 a.m. | TR | 212 Honors | 3 hours
This course explores two general themes: how Americans have defined land as waste or unusable and how Americans have wasted space or created wastelands from 1680 to the present day. In exploring these themes, the course’s focus is on the organization, uses, and definitions of American land and the ways land use relates to social, cultural, and political relations and institutions. By investigating wastelands as an idea, a place, and a process, we will investigate the creation of the category of “wasteland.” In other words, what do we mean when we describe a place as a wasteland? Alternately, what land-use patterns in America are wasteful or produce waste? How do we see this category used in our ideas of wilderness and civilization, in justifications for slavery and Indian removal, sites of mineral extraction, military installations, our suburbs, and our infrastructure? Finally, what do these places tell us about American ideas about productivity, usefulness, value, and nature? Rather than treating the landscape as mere background or setting for human activities or simply a reflection of power, by moving chronologically and thematically, this course endeavors to articulate the ways that aesthetic, social, and cultural features of the landscape have shaped, challenged, and responded to American norms and customs. The course is divided into four parts driven by several questions. At the end of each part we will have the opportunity to reflect on responses to those questions.
***This course has been approved by all colleges for gen ed credit for Humanities & the Arts***
Instructor: Pollyanna Rhee is Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Environmental Humanities with the Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities. She received her PhD in History and Theory of Architecture from Columbia University. In August 2020 she will join the faculty of the Department of Landscape Architecture at the University of Illinois as an assistant professor.
PSYC 199 GEN: Is Humanity Doomed or Thriving? Sandra Goss Lucas, Ph.D.
52385 | 9:30 – 10:45 a.m. | TR | 27 Psych Bldg | 3 hours
The course begins with an in-depth analysis of five seminal psychological studies. The second part of the course focuses on positive psychology and “happiness” (or subjective well-being, as psychologists prefer to label it). The rest of the course centers on the book, The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom (Jonathan Haidt). This book presents ideas from Eastern Cultures and looks at them from a modern, scientific perspective. Thus students are encouraged to develop the ability to “step outside” of our cultural norms and values, at least for a short time. But the book also encourages students to think about their “real” life from a psychological perspective. The end of the course “final exam” involves students choosing (on their own) a recent research article on any topic in positive psychology, writing a short paper about the article and making an individual presentation to the class. My major goal is to help them become the best “learner” they can be, both as an academic and public citizen. I believe that my course emphasizes the honing of skills and ideas that they will use the rest of their lives.
***This course has been approved by all colleges for general education credits in Social & Behavioral Sciences: Social Sciences and Behavioral Sciences and Advanced Comp.***
**This course is now full. Please contact Anne Price to be added to the waitlist**
Instructor: Sandra Goss Lucas is an Adjunct Associate Professor and Retired Director of Introductory Psychology. She is the author of two books on teaching psychology at the college level. Author of instructor resource manuals and testbanks to accompany introductory psychology textbook. Developer of the psychology department new TA orientation. Research interests include college teaching, academic dishonesty, and student achievement in college. She received her Ph.D. from Indiana University. She received her master’s and undergraduate degrees from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign where she was a James Scholar.
THEA 199CT: Currents in Contemporary Theatre, Tom Mitchell, MFA
52960 | 12:00 – 12:50 p.m. | MWF | 3601 KCPA | 3 hours
The Contemporary Theatre is a great place to consider the issues of today and how artists wrestle with those concerns. Students will explore the creative process of making theatre by reading plays and attending rehearsals, production meetings, and performances. Among the plays studied will be A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, An American Daughter, and Marat/Sade.
***This has been approved by all colleges for Humanities & the Arts: Literature and the Arts general education credit.***
Instructor: Tom Mitchell is Director of Undergraduate Studies for the Department of Theatre at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He directs regularly at Krannert Center including last season’s productions of All the King’s Men and Hansel & Gretel. Mitchell has a special focus on the work of playwright Tennessee Williams. He directed the 21st century premieres of Tennessee Williams’s Stairs to the Roof and Candles to the Sun, as well as Fugitive Kind, Spring Storm and Battle of Angels. He authored articles and presented at international conferences on Williams, incorporating performance along with historical research. He is former chair of the Mid-America Theatre Conference Directing Symposium and an honorary faculty member at Inner Mongolia University Arts College. For eight summers, Mitchell chaired the Summer Theatre Program at the Interlochen Center for the Arts in Northwest Michigan. With colleague Burnet Hobgood, Mitchell authored, A Framework for Directing in the Theatre, and has made numerous presentations on the practice of directing in the contemporary theatre.
CHP 395A: You Can’t Say That (or can you)? Steven Helle, Ph.D.
31307 | 2:00 – 3:20 p.m. | MW | 212 Honors | 3 hours
This class is all about speech, speech inside the classroom regarding speech occurring outside the classroom. The idea is to have a free-wheeling dialogue in class about a subject of concern to every citizen in a democracy: what are the purpose, tradition, meaning of, as well as limits on free speech? Too few people know and understand the value of free speech, much less are able or willing to defend it when under attack, as it often is and no doubt will be during the course of the semester. Free speech is exercised all around us, but too often it is taken for granted. Not that long ago, much of what we say today was punishable, and the First Amendment needs advocates who will keep us from returning to the Dark Ages of the mid-20th Century. By the end of this course, you will have a richer appreciation of the struggle for free speech and the ongoing debate, including recent controversies regarding violent videogames, hate speech, whether false speech is protected, “leveling the field” by reducing political speech of the wealthy, and the effects of pornography on women and men. You will have the intellectual tools to construct arguments regarding the scope and purpose of free speech, because that is what you will be doing in class. The class has appealed to students from all disciplines, from engineering to music to psychology, in large part because every discipline relies on speech and free speech issues abound, whether those in the discipline realize it or not. So if you have ever sent a text message or read a blog, this class is about you.
***This course will not be petitioned for general education credits. Students should not enroll in this course if they have previously taken Prof. Helle’s JOUR 199 class.***
Instructor: Steven Helle has received the campus-wide award for outstanding undergraduate teaching at the University of Illinois on three separate occasions. In 1998, he was named national Freedom Forum Journalism Teacher of the Year. He has been named by his students to the campus List of Outstanding Instructors all but three semesters since 1980. He also is former chair of the University of Illinois Teaching Advancement Board and of the university Committee for the Improvement of Undergraduate Education. Helle is former head of the Department of Journalism and he has published numerous articles on communications law in, among others, Duke Law Journal, Journalism Quarterly, Chicago Tribune, Villanova Law Review, University of Illinois Law Review, and Illinois Bar Journal. A former head of the Law Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Helle is also past chair of the Media Law Committee and the Human Rights Section Council of the Illinois State Bar Association.
CHP 395B/KIN 365: Civic Engagement in Wellness, Kim Graber, Ed.D.
40547/61899 | 3:30 – 4:50 p.m. | TR | 1002 Huff Hall | 3 hours
Are you interested in making a difference in the community while learning about teamwork, project management, and wellness? If so, consider this course. Students will work in small teams to develop a project that relates to active living, healthy aging, and wellness through a community organization focused on older adults living in the Champaign-Urbana area. The course will begin with presentations and discussions of the six dimensions of wellness and then introduce students to team-based learning principles, leadership skills, and group dynamics. By the fourth week, students will meet as a group with a representative of a local senior center, social services organization, or long-term retirement community, and develop a project that promotes healthy aging and wellness. Students will complete a project portfolio and four mini-assignments as part of their team, including writing a press release, creating a brief iMovie, and examining various leadership styles. The class will occur in-person for most of the first eight weeks of the semester and in the community for the majority of the second eight weeks. Because of the interdisciplinary focus of the class, it will count toward meeting a CHP course requirement or seminar course requirement.
**This course is now full. Please contact Anne Price to be added to the waitlist**
***This course will not be petitioned for general education credits.***
Instructor: Kim Graber is Professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Community Health and the Director of the Campus Honors Program at the University of Illinois. She received her undergraduate degree from the University of Iowa, her master’s from Columbia University Teachers College, and her doctorate from the University of Massachusetts. Her research interests include children’s wellness, legislative policy mandates, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. She has published numerous articles in peer-refereed journals and books and has presented her work at dozens of national and international conferences, including an invited keynote address at the Healthy Schools Summit in Washington, DC. Recently, she co-authored a book titled Physical Education Activity for Elementary Classroom Teachers. She has served as president and secretary of the Research Consortium, president of the National Association for Sport and Physical Education, and chair of the Curriculum and Instruction Academy. She serves or has served on the Faculty Senate as Vice-Chair, Senate Executive Committee, University Senates Conference, Chair of Committee on Committees, Provost’s Council on Gender Equity, Chancellor Search Committee, Provost Search Committee, chair of the Teaching Advancement Board, Graduate College Executive Committee, Illinois Leadership Coordinating Committee, AHS Executive Committee, and chair of the AHS Educational Policy Committee. She is a University of Illinois Distinguished Teacher/Scholar and received the 2009 Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching.
CHP 395C: Evolution of the Universe from an Anthropocentric Perspective, Eric Jakobsson, Ph.D.
31308 | 2:00 – 3:20 p.m. | TR | 212 Honors | 3 hours
The course will provide a comprehensive overview of the history of the universe as we know it, starting with the Big Bang. With guidance from faculty plus assigned readings, the students will learn about the Big Bang itself and the consequent expansion resulting in creation of matter, formation and evolution of stars and solar systems, formation and geological and climatic history of the earth, origin of life and biological evolution, emergence of primates, hominids, and humans, evolution of human societies from hunter-gatherer to agricultural to cities and city-state, to regional and global empires and alliances, to the Anthropocene Era in which the activities of humans will have a major impact on all other life on earth.
**This course is now full. Please contact Anne Price to be added to the waitlist**
***This course will not be petitioned for general education credits.***
Instructor: Eric Jakobsson is Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, Molecular and Integrative Physiology, Biophysics and Computational Biology, Bioengineering, and Neuroscience.
ENGL 199 ICST Literary London: A Tour of English Theatre and Culture, Andrea Stevens, Ph.D.
70946 | 5:00-7:00 PM on April 6, 20, 27, and May 4 (Trip Takes Place May 18-28, 2020)| M | 212 Honors | 3 Hours
Information Session about the course and trip Coming Soon!
This course begins with four classroom sessions in April and early May to introduce students to the history of the city of London, focusing in particular on its rich theatrical heritage. “Literary London” or “London and Playgoing, Past and Present” could alternate as sub-titles for this course; while in London, students will engage with their surroundings via a range of activities, including guided tours, walking tours, free-writing sessions, museum visits, and of course trips to see current shows (new plays as well as classics in revival) at different venues both commercial and avant-garde or experimental. Our home base will be as close as possible to the historic “Southwark” area of London, near the site of the Globe Theatre, the Borough Market, and the Tate Modern; our time together will also allow for one day trip to UNESCO World Heritage site Canterbury in Kent.
***This course will be petitioned for general education credit***
Instructor: Specializing in the drama of Shakespeare and his contemporaries, Andrea Stevens is Associate Professor of English, Theatre, and Medieval Studies and the current Director of Undergraduate Studies, department of English. She is the author of Inventions of the Skin: The Painted Body in Early English Drama and her work appears in a variety of journals and essay collections. Current projects include an edition of William Heminge’s 1639 tragedy The Fatal Contract (forthcoming Routledge, 2020); and two book-length studies, one titled Racial Masquerade at the Caroline Court and the other Shakespeare and the Performance of the Commonplace. She has served as dramaturg and/or adapter for several KCPA Shakespeare productions, most recently Titus Andronicus (October 2019). In 2015 she received UIUC’s Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and the Lynn M. Martin Award for Distinguished Women Teachers in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Courses petitioned for general education credit will appear on student records around the middle of the term. Students may enroll in as many “199” courses as they would like, however, campus policy permits 12 credits of “199” courses towards graduation.