Self Care Workshop, 11/16 (6pm, zoom)
Self-care is a vital part of maintaining one’s physical and mental health but what does that even mean? Self-care can often feel overwhelming and even become stress inducing when we realize how time and cost intensive it is to set up a home spa day, but this doesn’t have to be the case. At this workshop, we’ll discuss the different meanings of self-care, and explore self-care strategies that don’t require excessive spending.
If attending this zoom session, please make sure to register ahead of time.
Register for zoom:
Study Skills for Neurodiverse students, 11/30, 6pm (zoom)
Tired of hearing advice about highlighting your notes and writing lists? There are lots of study tips out there, but they don’t work for everyone, especially if you’re neurodivergent. This workshop is for those who find that popular advice doesn’t work for them to learn new study habits, such as reading tips, time tricks, and building habits on uplifting strengths instead of centering difficulties.
This is a zoom only event. Registered participants will receive a zoom link the morning of the workshop.
Can’t make this session? There will be a table set up on Reading Day (Dec. 8th) in the Orange Room from 4-5pm. Stop by for some quick tips!
Register here: